nviz_cmd - was Re: [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #392: backport G_is_c_null_value() to devbr6

Martin Landa landa.martin at gmail.com
Fri Dec 19 11:05:22 EST 2008


2008/12/19 Markus Neteler <neteler at osgeo.org>:
>>>>>>> Call it nviz2?
>>>>>> nviz -> TCL/TK GUI
>>>>>> nviz2 -> cmd line based module
>>>>>> seems to be confusing for me...
>>>>>> I vote for d.3d.
>>>>> or we can leave it as nviz_cmd and go ahead to 6.4.0RC1...
>>>> considering d.nviz which should be also renamed (in 7.0)
>>>> 6.4
>>>> d.nviz
>>>> nviz_cmd -> d.3d
>>>> 7.0
>>>> d.nviz -> d.3d.fly
>>>> nviz_cmd -> d.3d
>>> This is a good compromise for me.
>> I don't like last minute changes so I think it is fine too. Not sure if
>> d.nviz is present in 6.4? But that's irrelevant at this point.
> Sure it is there:
> [neteler at markus grass64]$ ls display/d.nviz/
> description.html  local.h  main.c  Makefile

well, after some discussion with Markus I would suggest creating new
group of modules


in GRASS6:

nviz_cmd becomes nviz.cmd

in GRASS7:

nviz_cmd becomes nviz.cmd
d.nviz becomes nviz.fly

>> Are we ready to go with the tagging 6.4.0RC1 then? A new branch isn't
>> absolutely necessary at the minute - but as I see it there's no reason not
>> to do it now either if it's not too much extra work.
> I think that a branch is commonly done in the GRASS
> project, so we should continue. And with SVN merging
> is easier (and G7 moves away so that at least I rarely
> backport things).

+1 for branch


Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa *

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