[GRASS-dev] convert 3D polygons or Tins to a DEM?

Maris Nartiss maris.gis at gmail.com
Mon Feb 4 04:35:33 EST 2008

Hi Hamish and others.

IMHO there is use for both variants - kernel inside of cube (six
faces) to hold info about whole object (i.e. house address, owner
etc.) and also centroid on face (wall color, material, received energy
from sun, slope, aspect etc.). If current GRASS vector model does not
support BOTH variants (attribute data to volume and face), then it
should be changed before there are lot of implementations, that relay
on unoptimal vector model.
A task for GRASS 7?
Just took a small glimpse into GRASS programmers manual [1]:
"face: a 3D area; kernel: a 3D centroid in a volume; volume: a 3D
corpus, the topological composition of faces and kernel." If I read it
correctly - both variants are supported - no problem?

Just my 0.002,

1. http://download.osgeo.org/grass/grass6_progman/

2008/2/4, Hamish <hamish_b at yahoo.com>:
> ie would a cube get a single kernel in the center of it* or six
> kernels, one on each face?
> [*] if kernel-as-center-of-volume that could hold attribute info like
> building address or geological mineral type. For kernel-on-face I can't
> think of what kind of attribute you would want to attach to a wall
> besides something obvious like "north facing".
> Hamish

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