[GRASS-dev] wxgui and georectifier ready for testing
Martin Landa
landa.martin at gmail.com
Sat Feb 9 09:43:09 EST 2008
2008/2/9, Hamish <hamish_b at yahoo.com>:
> Michael Barton wrote:
> > A very nice new digitizing module also is functional and nearing
> > completion.
> Q: does it use v.edit or 'v.in.ascii format=standard' or ... ?
The digitization tool is based on *v.edit* functionality. User can
choose from two components, first one calls v.edit command directly,
the second one uses C++ layer which calls functions from veditlib.
Calling v.edit directly can significantly slow down operations on
middle-large vector maps (open map, modify data, rebuild topology,
close, re-render data on graphic display). The second component
modifies data directly (like TCL/TK v.digit do).
> If the latter, is there any accomodation for preparing a replacement
> for r.digit? (r.digit is just a interactive frontend to r.in.poly,
> who's ascii format is highly similar to 'v.in.ascii f=std'. I lean
> towards prefering that to v.digit+v.to.rast for directness/simplicity
> and category+label mangement reasons.
yes, one of TODO points
> > The wxgui is a fully functional replacement
> > for the venerable TclTk interface. It needs testing, but should
> > useable on a regular basis for both Linux and Mac. It especially
> > needs people to get it up and working under Windows.
> It sounds like the MS Windows version only needs a few changes. Is it
> functional now using Cygwin?
No idea, no testing done till now. I need to find Windows machine
somewhere;-) But I am afraid there will be more then 'a few'
> > To compile, you need Python 2.4 or above (the current 2.5.x is
> > preferred) and wxPython 2.8.x (2.8.7 is current). The digitizer also
> > requires C++ and headers from the wxPython dev package to compile. I
> > think binaries should work with just Python installed (this needs to
> > be checked) -- and that requirement should be relaxed eventually if
> > we package it with the distutils.
> Instead of C++, is there any posibility of using SWIG+Python for those
> parts?
No, I tried to use SWIG+Python directly when I started to work on
vdigit tool. Too slow. C++ layer has two part: DisplayDriver for
displaying geometry objects of edited vector map in graphic display
and Digit class for modifying data. Digit class is used when user
choose vdigit component in preferences dialog, otherwise v.edit is
called directly.
Regards, Martin
Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa *
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