[GRASS-dev] way to create PROJ_INFO and PROJ_UNITS

andrea antonello andrea.antonello at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 03:11:30 EST 2008

Hi Moritz,

>  > Why does it seem to strange that we want to base on the grass
>  > database-workspace format to exploit GRASS as well as tools
>  > implemented in java? Why should I always import/export data to do
>  > calculations on them?
>  You haven't really answered Paul's question: What is the problem with
>  using the current g.proj '-w' or '-e' flags ?

The answer to that is in the begin of the post. I need to create the
projection information without proj.
Let's put it that way: why is it possible to get projection
transformation parameters from a shapefile's prj file without proj
libs but it is impossible to do the same with a grass location?


PS: this should also answer Hamish's post

>  Moritz

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