[GRASS-dev] CELL/FCELL/DCELL [was: Re: r.mapcal rand() strangeness]
Maciej Sieczka
tutey at o2.pl
Tue Feb 26 11:35:30 EST 2008
Below follow details about CELL and DCELL datatypes in GRASS. It would
be good to have them summarrised in GRASS raster intro IMHO; + FCELL
specific notes. I'm not competent - anybody please do.
questions by me, Glynn replies:
> CELL maps are limited to 32-bit integers. There doesn't seem much
> point in extending r.mapcalc to handle anything larger; too much work
> for too little reward.
>>>> something bizzare to me:
>>>> $ r.mapcalc 'map=99999999999999999999999.0'
>>>> $ r.info -rt map
>>>> min=99999999999999991611392.000000
>>>> max=99999999999999991611392.000000
>>>> datatype=DCELL
>>> A double has a precision of ~16 decimal digits, which matches what you
>>> see above.
>> So processing any number with more than 16 decimal diggits in r.mapcalc
>> must yield such "strange" values?
> The precision of a "double" corresponds to roughly 16 significant
> decimal digits (it's exactly 52 binary digits).
> The problem arises when something (in this case, r.info) tries to
> print numbers where the number of digits to the left of the decimal
> point exceeds the precision.
> If you use exponential notation, you can limit the number of digits to
> match the precision, so the problem doesn't arise.
>> And how many diggits after the decimal
>> separator are safe?
> Floating point numbers have a fixed relative error rather than a fixed
> absolute error. The issue is the number of significant digits. The
> position of the decimal point doesn't matter.
>> Does that mean that actually in the raster the value is something else
>> than what r.info reports?
> What is in the raster is a binary floating point value:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_floating-point
> E.g. 3.40282e38 is stored as
> (9007189542424620/(2^53))*(2^128)
> = 9007189542424620*(2^(128-53))
> = 340282000000000014192072600942972764160
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