[GRASS-dev] CELL/FCELL/DCELL [was: Re: r.mapcal rand() strangeness]

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 26 15:54:35 EST 2008

Maciej Sieczka wrote:
> Below follow details about CELL and DCELL datatypes in GRASS. It
> would be good to have them summarrised in GRASS raster intro IMHO;
> + FCELL specific notes. 
> >>> A double has a precision of ~16 decimal digits, which matches
> >>> what you see above.

this stuff seems (to me) a bit too technical for the short "hello
raster" intro pages. is there another place we could put it?
libgis Doxygen comments -> the (under advertised) programmer's manual?
maybe that is too far away from the user..?

to take the idea further, when do you end describing how binary
computers deal with storing non-binary numbers? sure explain what GRASS
has used and the limits that imposes, maybe on a wiki page with links
to wikipedia articles on the general gotchas of modern C, x86,
endianness, etc. which may be natural to a computer scientist but
foriegn to an ecologist expecting a number to be number?


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