[GRASS-dev] Re: GRASS 7 plans

Martin Landa landa.martin at gmail.com
Wed Jan 30 05:39:03 EST 2008

Hi all,

2008/1/30, Markus Neteler <neteler at osgeo.org>:
> On Jan 30, 2008 7:12 AM, Hamish <hamish_b at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > My hope is that we release 6.3.0 soon so we can focus on new business.
> >
> > ie soon after that is away cut a new releasebranch_6_4 and declare
> > svn-trunk to be for GRASS 7 --- why wait?  AFAIK no one has plans for a
> > 6.6 release, and if one day they do, that can be hewn from
> > releasebranch_6_4.
> I fully agree.
> Since the OSGeo migration is almost done and SVN/trac are operative,
> let's go ahead.
> > I think it is a big mistake to try and do two development branches at
> > the same time then try and merge changes between them.

Merging changes between grass7 (trunk) and grass6 branch seems to be
completely impossible. I have no strong opinion if to create
releasebranch6_4 directly or to create dev branch for grass6 (let say
develbranch_6) and then sub-branch it -- releasebranch_6_4. I would
vote for creating develbranch_6 and releasebranch_6_4.

> > wxGUI is the anomaly, but luckily it is a somewhat independent beast. I
> > would suggest continuing to work on it in releasebranch_6_4 until such
> > time as we tag 6.4.0pre1 and move into bugfix-only mode. At that point
> > we would port the GUI to GRASS 7 and move all new GUI development
> > there.
> > This presupposes that in the early days of GRASS 7 (the radical change
> > period) we only need a disposable barebones GUI.
> Right.

yes, I fully agree...

> > Continuing development on native MS-Windows support for 6.4 is more
> > entwined with the C code, but I hope we are past the bulk of those
> > changes already and can limit the multi-branch merges to those (and
> > bugs of course).
> Also agreed.
> > It is unclear to me where new documentation and translation efforts
> > should be focused during that period. 6.4 branch until the GUI freezes?
> > </2 cents>
> I assume that it will happen in the 6.4 branch since trunk/HEAD will
> undergo demolition and restructuring.

I think so.

> I have drafted a management page here:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/Grass7Planning

It would be great to start developing grass7 (to create devel/release
branch for 6.4 as soon as possible) and go ahead.

Best regards, Martin

Martin Landa <landa.martin at gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa *

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