[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #175: v.to.rast labelcol= SegFault
trac at osgeo.org
Fri Jun 20 12:22:56 EDT 2008
#175: v.to.rast labelcol= SegFault
Reporter: hamish | Owner: grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: 6.4.0
Component: default | Version: unspecified
Resolution: | Keywords: v.to.rast
Comment (by msieczka):
Replying to [comment:3 hamish]:
> note this is raster category 0. The vector map version of "fields" has a
cat 0, so maybe that's > legal, albeit uncommon, vector cat value.
Sidenote - category 0 is definitely valid. Radim's words from 2006:
"'cat' 0 was introduced after v.digit and probably before QGIS-GRASS. The
reason was mapping of OGR FID (which can be 0) to GRASS cat." [1]
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/175#comment:4>
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