[GRASS-dev] WinGRASS Command Line

Marco Pasetti marco.pasetti at alice.it
Mon Jun 30 15:46:42 EDT 2008

Hi all,

within the WinGRASS installer (6.3.0-4, to be released) I created a new StartMenu item: GRASS Command Line
here's a screenshot of the new GRASS start menu: http://www.webalice.it/marco.pasetti/temp/New-WinGRASS-StartMenu.png

it's a link to the batch file grass63-cmd.bat, that's simply as follows:
@echo off
grass63 -text

the problem is: when I launch GRASS in text mode (with -text), then the .grassrc6 file has "text" as default "launch mode"; that means that launching the "classic" grass63.bat link will result in launching GRASS in text mode again... and I fear that the standard windows user won't know how to launch grass with the tcltk GUI, or if he knows, it will be disappointed to need to hack the .grassrc6 file to let the GUI work again;

I figured the following "walk around": create a new simple batch file: grass63-gui.bat:
@echo off
grass63 -tcltk

and replace the grass63.bat link in the menu with a link pointing to grass63-gui.bat.

Do you think that there are better solutions?

Many thanks,

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