[GRASS-dev] 2D to 3D points

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 3 18:50:22 EST 2008

> >> v.transform is really a georectifying module for vector objects.
> >> It's a conceptual stretch to include transforming 2D to 3D points
> >> there-- though it does work.
> > Hence using a wrapper function with a more intuitive name and only
> > expose the relevant options.
> In the past, this would be the easiest solution. However, I'm  
> increasingly reluctant to create more Bash scripts for GRASS given
> the plans to move away from that platform and the problems with
> running scripts under Windows/MSys now.

using 'g.module --script' + the fact that it is apparently a one-liner
v.transform process means the script would only take about 2 minutes to
write. So little investment in bash and easily replaced when the time

We can't/shouldn't make python a mandatory dependency until GRASS 7. If
we do it in bash now (then rewrite as python later) it gets the
functionality out there now and allows the solution to start leaking
into people's minds and work. The user shouldn't notice if the back-end
language changes at some point if the interface stays the same.
This is not to say we can't start to develop shadow g.module.py
versions of scripts now! That would give us a good head start and help
spread the load in time.


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