[GRASS-dev] WinGRASS-6.3.0RC6 & Python GUI

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Thu Mar 27 17:23:34 EDT 2008

marco.pasetti at alice.it wrote:

> I reinstalled Python (2.5.2) + Python Extensions for Windows (Build
> 210 - py2.5) + WxPython ( - unicode - py25) but I still have
> the same errror (follows):
> http://www.webalice.it/marco.pasetti/temp/grass_bugs/bug002.png

My first guess is that it's related to GDAL, i.e. it can't find either
the GDAL DLL or one of the (many) DLLs which GDAL requires.

The Python error is a consequence of g.region failing. Essentially, if
g.region doesn't work, the GUI isn't going to work.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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