[GRASS-dev] Changes to MAKE System for SCRIPTS
roberto.marzocchi at gmail.com
Mon May 5 11:58:34 EDT 2008
Glynn Clements ha scritto:
> roberto.marzocchi wrote:
>> I've write a grass script
>> (https://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass-addons/raster/r.inund.fluv/) In my
>> grass script I use four implemented fortran codes.
>> Now this script is in Add_ons repository, but there isn't a Makefile.
>> I've written an install.sh script.
>> With Markus, we think that is good to make some changes to the MAKE
>> system and to allow the compilation of Fortan codes.
>> probably is like the compilation of C codes
>> We wrote some lines in install.sh script (see below), but we're sure
>> that this can be written more elegant in make syntax.
>> / #compile the fortran codes with GNUFORTRAN
>> #gfortran -O1 -o trova_alveo.exe trova_alveo.f90
>> #gfortran -O1 -o pulizia_inondazione.exe pulizia_inondazione.f90
>> #gfortran -O1 -o reticolo2d.exe reticolo2d.f90
>> #gfortran -O1 -o correzione_reticolo.exe correzione_reticolo.f90
>> # put the .exe files in the chosen directory and change the
>> 219-222 rows of the script/
>> Anyone may help me?
> The compilation rules should be relatively straightforward; see the
> rules for C and C++ files in include/Make/Rules.make.
Yes try to understand....
> The main thing which needs to be done is to add configure tests for a
> Fortran-90 compiler. AFAICT, AC_PROG_FC is the appropriate macro.
I write to Markus: "Probably the file /configure/ of GRASS source code
must test the installation of GNUFortran compiler on the computer too".
Markus wrote to me: "this is currently disabled because nobody needed
it If requested, it may come back "
Probably he yet changed the configure file.
I'm not very expert....
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