[GRASS-dev] Are the recursive calls a problem in Grass?
roberto caselli
roberto.caselli at yahoo.it
Tue May 6 14:45:46 EDT 2008
I always start my application from command line and the a GUI window
opens so I can write the input and press the RUN button. But I don't
see any kind of message error inside that window.
please try it on command line. Maybe then the error becomes
visible (GUI may catch it silently).
On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 1:59 PM, roberto caselli
<roberto.caselli a yahoo.it> wrote:
> Does anyone have an idea or an advice for this problem? GRASS doens't
> me any kind of error message so I don't undestand where the bug is.
It just
> stop the execution! I hope in your experience.
> Regards,
> Roberto
> roberto caselli <roberto.caselli a yahoo.it> ha scritto:
> Hello everyone,
> I have a question for you. I'm working on a module that uses a
> call to flow water from a cell to its neighbours. I tested it with
> sample raster map but I didn't see any kind of output on the screen.
I saw
> GRASS started running (i saw the green dressed runner above on the
> and then it stopped with the RUN button available to be pushed again.
> I tried to comment the recursive call and everything went well. (I
saw the
> partial results of the execution of my module on the screen).
> So I think the problem is due to this recursive call and I'd like to
know if
> there is a way to fix this problem.
> Regards,
> Roberto
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