[GRASS-dev] Vect_line_buffer tolerance setting

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sun May 18 04:08:45 EDT 2008

> Unfortunately this is a quite big problem for GRASS if nobody
> from -dev ML can not explain how GRASS internal stuff works :(

It's not so bad, Radim did leave notes.  e.g. in lib/vector/Vlib/buffer.c in the case of public functions they are even Doxygen-ized so they appear in the programmer's manual. For me "grep" does the job.

  \brief Create parrallel line
  \param InPoints input line
  \param distance create parrallel line in distance
  \param tolerance maximum distance between theoretical arc and polygon segments
  \param rm_end remove end points falling into distance
  \param[out] OutPoints output line

Vect_line_parallel ( ... )

here is the relevant code:

    dangle = 2 * acos( 1-tolerance/fabs(distance) ); /* angle step */

    atol = 2 * acos( 1-tol/fabs(d) );
    /* TODO: a <= PI can probably fail because of representation error */
    if ( a <= PI && a > atol)
	na = (int) (a/atol);
	atol2 = a/(na+1) * side;
	for (j = 0; j < na; j++)
	    nx = x[i+1] + fabs(d) * cos(av);
	    ny = y[i+1] + fabs(d) * sin(av);
	    Vect_append_point ( nPoints, nx, ny, 0 );



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