[GRASS-dev] Simplified G_percent() output in batch jobs?

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Tue Nov 4 05:05:39 EST 2008

On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 8:41 AM, Hamish <hamish_b at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> I am running a large number of processing jobs on a
>> cluster and the job manager output is cluttered with
>> control chars from G_percent().
>> It would be great to have a switch (or detection magic)
>> to output the plain ASCII style 0..10...20.. in this cases.
>> Maybe it's already there?
> set GRASS_VERBOSE=0  ?

No, because some of these jobs runs for many hours and I
would like to see the progress (to estimate the total time).
In this case I am running v.vol.rst...


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