[GRASS-dev] small changes to r.walk
Colin Nielsen
colin.nielsen at gmail.com
Thu Nov 13 16:46:53 EST 2008
> This is a BIG help and an equally big relief.
Glad to help.
> Now the question arises as to what kind of units should the friction map be
> in to make sense in this kind of calculation.
While I'm at it I can try this one too. Basically, without careful
consideration, the use of a friction map will render the units of the
output relative only (ie. unitless). Which isn't necessarily a bad
thing unless you're set on knowing the actual time.
The only way to avoid this is to make sure the friction map * lambda
can logically be used to ADD time (rather than being used as a
multiplier). I can't think of a dataset that would allow you to do
this and I'm not even sure that adding the time it would take to cross
a pixel of forest to the topographic time is an accurate way of
representing multiple travel time factors. Good luck!
> Michael
> On Nov 13, 2008, at 1:06 PM, Colin Nielsen wrote:
>> If I understand your comment correctly then the current r.walk
>> functionality is actually doing what you want it to be doing (ie.
>> there is no problem). r.walk does not create a full cumulative cost
>> map and then add the friction map, rather it combines the cumulative
>> cost and friction cost with each origin pixel to neighbouring pixel
>> calculation. If this was unclear in the help file perhaps an update to
>> clarify is needed.
>> See the snippet of code below from r.walk/main.c where "case 1"
>> represents the consideration of the western neighbour:
>> 1024 switch (neighbor) {
>> 1025 case 1:
>> 1026 dtm_value = &W_dtm;
>> 1027 segment_get(&dtm_in_seg, dtm_value, row, col);
>> 1028 cost_value = &W_cost;
>> 1029 segment_get(&cost_in_seg, cost_value, row, col);
>> 1030 if (G_is_d_null_value(cost_value))
>> 1031 continue;
>> 1032 if (((W_dtm - my_dtm) / EW_fac) >= 0)
>> 1033 fcost_dtm = (double)((double)(W_dtm - my_dtm)
>> * b);
>> 1034 else if (((W_dtm - my_dtm) / EW_fac) <
>> (slope_factor))
>> 1035 fcost_dtm = (double)((double)(W_dtm - my_dtm)
>> * d);
>> 1036 else
>> 1037 fcost_dtm = (double)((double)(W_dtm - my_dtm)
>> * c);
>> 1038 fcost_cost = ((double)(W_cost + my_cost) / 2.0);
>> 1039 min_cost =
>> 1040 pres_cell->min_cost + fcost_dtm + (EW_fac * a)
>> +
>> 1041 lambda * fcost_cost * EW_fac;
>> 1042 break;
>> The last calculation shows that the neighbour's new cost (min_cost)
>> will be equal to the origin's cumulative cost (pres_cell->min_cost) +
>> the topographic/slope cost to move to the western neighbour
>> (fcost_dtm) + lambda * the friction cost to move to the western
>> neighbour (fcost_cost).
>> I hope that helps and that I wasn't more long winded than was called for
>> :).
>> -Colin
>> On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 2:34 PM, Michael Barton <michael.barton at asu.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Colin,
>>> On Nov 13, 2008, at 11:38 AM, Colin Nielsen wrote:
>>>> Not that I'm disagreeing with the need to change this functionality,
>>>> but based on the way the algorithm incorporates the friction map, you
>>>> can currently put zero for lambda and any map for the friction to have
>>>> it work on slope alone. This is a little easier than the method you
>>>> mentioned.
>>> This is a handy workaround. However, it is probably better in the long
>>> run
>>> to fix this than to depend on a workaround.
>>>> ie. total cost = movement time cost + (0 * friction)
>>>> Further, I believe to make lambda and friction optional will take
>>>> relatively substantial re-writes.
>>> Hopefully, this won't really take that much effort. However, while we're
>>> on
>>> the subject, one of my students noticed something that might take more
>>> substantial rewrites and I guess I should mention it now.
>>> If we are correct on how r.cost uses a friction map (and this is not 100%
>>> certain), there is a fundamental flaw. A cost distance map should have
>>> cells
>>> that represent cumulative cost outward from a starting point. r.walk
>>> automatically calculates this in seconds, making it a really useful
>>> module
>>> to have in GRASS.
>>> If the friction map is added in AFTER the initial cumulative walking time
>>> cost map is generated, the result will violate the cumulative nature of
>>> the
>>> cost map. Imagine a map generated by r.walk with a cumulative time cost
>>> along a line of cells as follows:
>>> 0 | 100 | 120 | 150 | 250 | 350 |
>>> Now ADD a friction map to this
>>> 0 | 0 | 200 | 300 | 0 | -150 |
>>> Here is the result
>>> 0 | 100 | 320 | 450 | 250 | 200 |
>>> The final map is no longer the cumulative time to travel from the origin.
>>> More distant cells take less time to reach than closer cells.
>>> The friction map needs to be incorporated into the cost along with
>>> topographic slope when the initial time map is created, not afterwards.
>>> Michael
>>>> -Colin
>>>> On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 1:16 PM, Michael Barton <michael.barton at asu.edu>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Several weeks back, Helena gave a very good explanation of how r.walk
>>>>> actually works. It makes very good sense (see below). However, from
>>>>> this
>>>>> explanation, it is clear that lambda and a friction map should be
>>>>> *optional*
>>>>> rather than *required* as they are now.
>>>>> The main part of r.walk calculates the time (in seconds) needed to walk
>>>>> across a landscape.
>>>>> For any cell,
>>>>> total time = (walking time in seconds to traverse the cell given its
>>>>> slope)
>>>>> + (lambda * friction map)
>>>>> Lambda is a weighting coefficient to convert the friction map to units
>>>>> that
>>>>> match the costs due to slope (i.e., units in seconds normally).
>>>>> If you want to calculate walking time to traverse a landscape that is
>>>>> based
>>>>> solely on the topography (i.e., slope), then you need a friction map
>>>>> with
>>>>> a
>>>>> value of 0; lambda can be anything.
>>>>> So this should be optional. Currently, you need to create a 0 friction
>>>>> map
>>>>> and try to figure out what lambda should be in order to run r.walk.
>>>>> This
>>>>> is
>>>>> sort of pointless and can cause considerable confusion.
>>>>> So, can lambda and friction map be changed to optional arguments for
>>>>> our
>>>>> upcoming releases?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Michael
>>>>> ____________
>>>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>>> From: Michael Barton <michael.barton at asu.edu>
>>>>> Date: October 10, 2008 9:27:46 PM GMT-07:00
>>>>> To: Helena Mitasova <hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu>
>>>>> Cc: grass developers <grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org>, Ullah Isaac
>>>>> <Isaac.Ullah at asu.edu>, David.Quixal at uv.es, Sean Bergin
>>>>> <Sean.Bergin at asu.edu>, Moreno Martín Andrea <andrea.moreno at uv.es>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [GRASS-dev] default for r.walk
>>>>> Thanks very much for this thorough explanation Helena. It is quite
>>>>> helpful.
>>>>> I hope that Roberto can verify (or correct) this.
>>>>> I'm copying some folks who have been working with r.walk recently. Our
>>>>> lab
>>>>> discussions on this caused me to raise these questions.
>>>>> On the issue I first asked about, it seems that lambda should either 1)
>>>>> have
>>>>> a default value of 1 or 2) be optional.
>>>>> Michael
>>>>> On Oct 10, 2008, at 6:09 PM, Helena Mitasova wrote:
>>>>> On Oct 10, 2008, at 7:39 PM, Michael Barton wrote:
>>>>> On Oct 10, 2008, at 11:32 AM, Helena Mitasova wrote:
>>>>> I opened the code and it has it right in header:
>>>>> maybe this is how it should go into the man page
>>>>> That seems like a good idea.
>>>>> This suggests that friction and lambda should be in some kind of energy
>>>>> units.
>>>>> However, as I understand it, the values in an r.walk map--using the
>>>>> default
>>>>> values--are an estimate of the number of seconds to traverse a cell
>>>>> walking
>>>>> 'normally' (i.e., according to the default values). Is this true
>>>>> anyone?
>>>>> If
>>>>> so, wouldn't the additive friction need to be in time units?
>>>>> I'm not trying to be dense, but trying to get clear about what the
>>>>> output
>>>>> is
>>>>> actually telling us, since it does not seem to be in arbitrary units
>>>>> like
>>>>> r.cost is (unless you do some numerical massaging).
>>>>> these are perfectly valid questions - authors should probably answer
>>>>> them
>>>>> rather than me
>>>>> but we tried to put some explanation based on the manual in to the
>>>>> appendix
>>>>> of GRASSbook
>>>>> and I have just covered it in the class so I had to spend some time
>>>>> trying
>>>>> to understand it.
>>>>> the units are - according to the manual - time - see below
>>>>> S, H are meters but the coefficients a,b,c,d are 1/speed which is
>>>>> sec/meter
>>>>> giving you time in seconds,
>>>>> then friction map can be either in units of time (sec) and lambda is
>>>>> unitless weight
>>>>> or friction is unitless factor and lambda is in seconds which converts
>>>>> it
>>>>> to
>>>>> time.
>>>>> So the results are in seconds - when you derive contours from the
>>>>> results
>>>>> you will get isochrones -
>>>>> so you can delineate an area where the person gets within 2 hours or
>>>>> whatever time you chose.
>>>>> But it would be really good to hear from the authors because these are
>>>>> my
>>>>> interpretations
>>>>> of the manual and my experiments with the module. The man page is
>>>>> pretty
>>>>> good it just needs to be more clear that the cost is measured by time
>>>>> (if
>>>>> I
>>>>> understand it correctly)
>>>>> Helena
>>>>> T= [(a)*(Delta S)] + [(b)*(Delta H uphill)] + [(c)*(Delta H moderate
>>>>> downhill)] + [(d)*(Delta H steep downhill)]
>>>>> where:
>>>>> T is time of movement in seconds,
>>>>> Delta S is the distance covered in meters,
>>>>> Delta H is the altitude difference in meter.
>>>>> The a, b, c, d parameters take in account movement speed in the
>>>>> different
>>>>> conditions and are linked to:
>>>>> * a: underfoot condition (a=1/walking_speed)
>>>>> * b: underfoot condition and cost associated to movement uphill
>>>>> * c: underfoot condition and cost associated to movement moderate
>>>>> downhill
>>>>> * d: underfoot condition and cost associated to movement steep downhill
>>>>> It has been proved that moving downhill is favourable up to a specific
>>>>> slope
>>>>> value threshold, after that it becomes unfavourable. The default slope
>>>>> value
>>>>> threshold (slope factor) is -0.2125, corresponding to tan(-12),
>>>>> calibrated
>>>>> on human behaviour (>5 and <12 degrees: moderate downhill; >12 degrees:
>>>>> steep downhill). The default values for a, b, c, d are those proposed
>>>>> by
>>>>> Langmuir (0.72, 6.0, 1.9998, -1.9998), based on man walking effort in
>>>>> standard conditions.
>>>>> The lambda parameter of the linear equation combining movement and
>>>>> friction
>>>>> costs:
>>>>> total cost = movement time cost + (lambda) * friction costs
>>>>> must be set in the option section of r.walk.
>>>>> Michael
>>>>> On Oct 10, 2008, at 2:21 PM, Michael Barton wrote:
>>>>> I've been emailing with Helena to try to understand exactly how lambda
>>>>> and a
>>>>> friction surface interacts with information about topography (extracted
>>>>> from
>>>>> a DEM) in r.walk. It seems a good idea to put this back on the list.
>>>>> Perhaps
>>>>> I'm the only one a little in the dark, but maybe it can help others.
>>>>> On Oct 10, 2008, at 10:40 AM, Helena Mitasova wrote:
>>>>> To clarify for me, is it
>>>>> total cost = (movement time cost + lambda) * friction costs
>>>>> OR
>>>>> total cost = movement time cost + (lambda * friction costs)
>>>>> I did not look into the code but if there are no brackets in the code,
>>>>> this
>>>>> second interpretation applies.
>>>>> For anyone familiar with the code, is this the case? If so, should I be
>>>>> thinking in time units for creating a friction map? If I remember,
>>>>> r.walk
>>>>> normally outputs in seconds to traverse the cell.
>>>>> So, should the friction map be in additional seconds to traverse the
>>>>> cell?
>>>>> Or is friction a weighting factor (i.e., multiplicative rather than
>>>>> additive)?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Michael
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