[GRASS-dev] bug in v.db.renamecol [was: Re: [GRASS-user] Rename multiple sqlite columns at once]

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Wed Nov 19 07:49:28 EST 2008

On 19/11/08 13:35, Hamish wrote:
> Moritz wrote:
>> Don't think that table names can have spaces
> it doesn't matter if they can really have spaces, it matters if a user who
> thinks they could have spaces tries that. The goal is that the module
> does not fail in a bizzare way in that case, but with a useful error
> message from the correct place.

But the user does not define table name in v.db.renamecol. The module 
takes the table linked to a map.

> if modules are run live from the web, an unquoted variable could include
> something like table="dbf; run_evil_command; #", and without quoting
> they have all the shell access they want. (well, I'm not totally sure
> about that, but it scares me enough to be pedantic about it for shell
> scripts)

Don't know if a combination of v.db.connect -o with evil table name 
followed by v.db.renamecol could cause trouble like that.

> ps- "${var}" is a little overkill, I think "$var" is fine. and I'm not
> sure if "" around VAR=`` is needed, or if that causes problems if interior
> command also contains "". ??

I'll leave this to the specialists. There's tons of examples of that 
usage of quotes in the scripts...
I'll just do as I'm told ;-)


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