[GRASS-dev] compilation success

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Thu Oct 9 00:26:14 EDT 2008

I'll try again. One of my students compiled GRASS 6.4 today on a PPC  
OSX 10.5 machine. It seemed to go well using native Python and new  
wxPython. Oddly (but fortunately) nviz (the old TclTk one) DOES seem  
to work fine with that. I'm not sure what is going on with mine.

Are you compiling aqua or x11 TclTk?

C. Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
Director of Graduate Studies
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State University

Phone: 480-965-6262
Fax: 480-965-7671
www: <www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton>

On Oct 8, 2008, at 8:46 PM, William Kyngesburye wrote:

> I updated wxpython/nviz/nviz.i - the #undef check fix from a while  
> back was wrong, so it wouldn't compile.  I haven't tried running it  
> yet, I only have my brain half on this right now.
> But I ran into another interesting compile issue, that probably only  
> a few would run into, when compiling a universal binary.  Using the  
> system python and an up-to-date wxpython, the ppc side is missing  
> some symbols in the wx libraries.  Looks like a problem with the  
> wxpython builds, but not the system wxpython.  This was with  
> wxpython and (and probably also).
> I tried a single-arch ppc-only (from intel), and that didn't work  
> either.  I don't have a PPC Leopard Mac to try a native PPC build.
> c++ -o OBJ.i386-apple-darwin9.5.0/_grass6_wxnviz.so ......
> Undefined symbols:
>  "typeinfo for wxThread", referenced from:
>      typeinfo for wxThreadHelperThreadin change_view.o
>      typeinfo for wxThreadHelperThreadin draw.o
>      typeinfo for wxThreadHelperThreadin init.o
>      typeinfo for wxThreadHelperThreadin lights.o
>      typeinfo for wxThreadHelperThreadin load.o
>      typeinfo for wxThreadHelperThreadin surface.o
>      typeinfo for wxThreadHelperThreadin vector.o
>      typeinfo for wxThreadHelperThreadin volume.o
>      typeinfo for wxThreadHelperThreadin grass6_wxnviz_wrap.o
> ld: symbol(s) not found
> Indeed, on the Intel side of libwx_macud wxThreadHelperThread  
> exists, but it does not on the PPC side.
> And strangely, there are no wx link errors in vdigit.  Hmmm...
> Now I come back to another patch I suggested a while back - the  
> Python library/framework should not be directly linked on OSX.  So,  
> in the wx nviz and vdigit makefiles, the inclusion of $ 
> (PYTHONLDFLAGS) needs to be conditionalized like -lgdi is for nviz.   
> --> When I do this, the wxThreadHelperThread error above goes away.
> I applied this to SVN.
> On Oct 8, 2008, at 4:40 PM, Michael Barton wrote:
>> I just updated GRASS 6.4 from the SVN and compiled. I had to  
>> compile the wxPython nviz and vdigit manually, but all compiled.  
>> This is very good news. The bad news is that neither vdigit nor  
>> nviz yet work.
>> When I try vdigit, I still get a "Unable to initialize display  
>> driver" error.
>> When I try the new nviz, I nothing happens visually, but I get the  
>> following in the layer manager output window.
> -----
> William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>
> http://www.kyngchaos.com/
> "Oh, look, I seem to have fallen down a deep, dark hole.  Now what  
> does that remind me of?  Ah, yes - life."
> - Marvin

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