[GRASS-dev] [SoC] [OSSIM] Ossimplanet integration with Grass and Qgis - status report #10

sasha massimodisasha at yahoo.it
Fri Aug 7 16:20:02 EDT 2009

Hi All,

this week was a cool and bad week at same time ...

cool :

- i finally get the base code (not all the tools yet) working in qgis  
as a python plug-in

- added UTM coordinates + zone in the display based on different  
ellipsoids [1]

- working on a function to move the planet "smooth and slow" bettween  
2 point
   (simply it generate intermediate points along a geodetic lines to  
connect 2 points)
   this work is not finished yet but it is promising [2]

- finished the tool to reproject, traslate, rotate a vector (i need to  
finish the "scale" function)
   for now it works on shp file but it can work on all the ogr format.
   the reprojection tool is based on 2 set of gcp to solve a last  
square system (only planimetry)
   (you can choose between affine or conforme transformation)

- i'm playng with ossimplanet viewer and it's new cool function  
(efemeridi, cloud, fog, visibility)
   i'll add a new grass script to simply  run ossimplanet viewer using  
presected files ...
   here a nice screenshoot :-)
   night : http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/1742/immagine6c.png
    day :  http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/5783/immagine7l.png

what i'll do the next week :

- i'll work hard on the qgis side to go ahead about the gsoc code   
- work on the geodetic "smooth-slow" moving bettween 2 positions
- working on how to customize the grass vector rendering (point size,  
line width, colors...)

bad things :

this week i broken the internal disk of my laptop .. "lucky" it is  
readable but not writable
.. so i had to buy a new one and reinstall *all* my needed sw on it (i  
know it is a little OT
  .. but this issue braked me)

best regards and happy summer!


  i re-used LatLongUTMconversion and pyproy :
    [1]  http://code.google.com/p/pyproj/
    [2]  http://pygps.org/#LatLongUTMconversion
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