[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #846: manpages translations - where to put them?

GRASS GIS trac at osgeo.org
Sun Dec 27 04:35:37 EST 2009

#846: manpages translations - where to put them?
 Reporter:  steko         |       Owner:  grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org
     Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  new                      
 Priority:  normal        |   Milestone:  6.5.0                    
Component:  Docs          |     Version:  6.4.0 RCs                
 Keywords:  translations  |    Platform:  All                      
      Cpu:  All           |  
 The GRASS Italian community (Marco Curreli being the leader by far) has
 been translating since some years (even though at a low pace) some GRASS
 commands manpages (the description.html part). We plan to translate them
 all, perhaps doing a Translation Sprint when possible. I have collected
 the existing translations at http://bitbucket.org/steko/grass-doc-it/ and
 I also plan to retrieve the existing translations which were done in the
 GFOSS.it wiki for GRASS GIS 6.0.2 and possibly update them.

 The question is how to make these translations available to GRASS users?
 On the grass-translations list, Markus Neteler and I agreed that the best
 place would obviously be the GRASS source tree
 December/000544.html as Markus said "''We need to modify the Makefile
 system to recognize the translated pages and generate the page header in
 the related locale.''"

 I hope something can be done about this, it would make our work even more

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/846>
GRASS GIS <http://grass.osgeo.org>

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