[GRASS-dev] wxGUI/vdigit: add centroid

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Wed Feb 18 10:56:14 EST 2009

Replying to myself:

On 16/02/09 11:18, Moritz Lennert wrote:
> On 14/02/09 14:44, Martin Landa wrote:

> - Trying to digitize a polygon which uses one boundary of another, 
> existing polygon, I understand that I need to add new vertices to the 
> existing polygon at the places where the new polygon boundaries touch 
> the existing one. However, whatever I try, I cannot add new vertices. 
> When I select the tool and click on a boundary I see a red cross at the 
> place I clicked, but I cannot get it to stay.

I forgot that I needed to "break the line" instead of adding a vertex. 
Still not sure I understand what "add a vertex" does, but that's not 
relevant to my question here.


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