[GRASS-dev] build fails on mac osx
massimo di stefano
massimodisasha at yahoo.it
Sat Jan 17 13:41:43 EST 2009
Hi All,
I adjusted the export flag adding lddflag
(i forghet it, sorry, my mistake)
and i added the optimizzation flags -Os)
Errors in:
In case of errors please change into the directory with error and run
If you get multiple errors, you need to deal with them in the order they
appear in the error log. If you get an error building a library, you
also get errors from anything which uses the library.
Finished compilation: Sab 17 Gen 2009 18:51:47 CET
make: *** [default] Error 1
macbook-pro-15-di-sasha:grass6_devel sasha$ cd /opt/gis/grass6_devel/
macbook-pro-15-di-sasha:v.digit sasha$ make
Makefile:20: warning: overriding commands for target `/opt/gis/
.../../include/Make/Module.make:20: warning: ignoring old commands for
target `/opt/gis/grass6_devel/dist.i386-apple-darwin9.6.0/etc/v.digit'
gcc -I/opt/gis/grass6_devel/dist.i386-apple-darwin9.6.0/include -arch
ppc -arch i386 -Os -I/usr/X11/include -I/Library/Frameworks/
Tcl.framework/Headers -I/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Headers -I/
Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/PrivateHeaders -I/Library/Frameworks/
Tcl.framework/Headers -I/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Headers -I/
Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/PrivateHeaders -I/Library/Frameworks/
GDAL.framework/Versions/1.6/Headers -DPACKAGE=\""grassmods"\" -I/
opt/gis/grass6_devel/dist.i386-apple-darwin9.6.0/include -o OBJ.i386-
apple-darwin9.6.0/driver.o -c driver.c
driver.c: In function ‘driver_plot_icon’:
driver.c:54: error: ‘struct Tcl_Interp’ has no member named ‘result’
driver.c: In function ‘get_window’:
driver.c:61: error: ‘struct Tcl_Interp’ has no member named ‘result’
driver.c:68: error: ‘struct Tcl_Interp’ has no member named ‘result’
driver.c: In function ‘driver_open’:
driver.c:101: error: ‘struct Tcl_Interp’ has no member named ‘result’
driver.c: In function ‘driver_plot_icon’:
driver.c:54: error: ‘struct Tcl_Interp’ has no member named ‘result’
driver.c: In function ‘get_window’:
driver.c:61: error: ‘struct Tcl_Interp’ has no member named ‘result’
driver.c:68: error: ‘struct Tcl_Interp’ has no member named ‘result’
driver.c: In function ‘driver_open’:
driver.c:101: error: ‘struct Tcl_Interp’ has no member named ‘result’
lipo: can't figure out the architecture type of: /var/folders/
make: *** [OBJ.i386-apple-darwin9.6.0/driver.o] Error 1
macbook-pro-15-di-sasha:v.digit sasha$
remain the tcl error about v.digit
note regarding nviz, i've these error in may previouse build too,
but nviz works ignoring the error ( i tried both version tcltk and
Massimo Di stefano.
epifanio on
irc.freenode.net #grass
Il giorno 17/gen/09, alle ore 17:21, grass-dev-request a lists.osgeo.org
ha scritto:
> I don't know about the tcltk errors, but for the rest...
> On Jan 17, 2009, at 6:20 AM, massimo di stefano wrote:
>> Hi All
>> tring to build on osx on a fresh svn checkout :
>> export CXXFLAGS="-arch ppc -arch i386"
>> export CFLAGS="-arch ppc -arch i386"
> Note: when setting CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, it overrides the default
> optimization in configure, so you should add optimization to these.
> I suggest -Os for OSX, or that default which is -O2.
> see below for missing LDFLAGS note...
>> then :
>> open -a textmate include/make/platform.make
>> BEFORE RUNNNING MAKE i changed the TCLTKLIBS line to: -framework
>> Tcl -framework Tk
>> and i removed render.c
> render.c should compile now, though nviz_cmd won't work. No need to
> delete render.c.
>> macbook-pro-15-di-sasha:form sasha$ cd /opt/gis/grass6_devel/lib/
>> vector/diglib
>> macbook-pro-15-di-sasha:diglib sasha$ make
>> make OBJ.i386-apple-darwin9.6.0/test
>> echo "==============TEST============="
>> ==============TEST=============
>> gcc -L/opt/gis/grass6_devel/dist.i386-apple-darwin9.6.0/lib -L/
>> usr/local/pgsql/lib/ -arch ppc -arch i386 -I/Library/
>> Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions/1.6/Headers -I/opt/gis/
>> grass6_devel/dist.i386-apple-darwin9.6.0/include -o OBJ.i386-apple-
>> darwin9.6.0/test test.c -lgrass_dig2 -lgrass_gis -lgrass_datetime -
>> lz -lgrass_rtree -lgrass_rtree \
>> -lgrass_gis -lgrass_datetime -lz -lgrass_datetime -lz
>> ld warning: in /opt/gis/grass6_devel/dist.i386-apple-darwin9.6.0/
>> lib/libgrass_dig2.dylib, file is not of required architecture
>> ld warning: in /opt/gis/grass6_devel/dist.i386-apple-darwin9.6.0/
>> lib/libgrass_gis.dylib, file is not of required architecture
>> ld warning: in /opt/gis/grass6_devel/dist.i386-apple-darwin9.6.0/
>> lib/libgrass_datetime.dylib, file is not of required architecture
>> ld warning: in /opt/gis/grass6_devel/dist.i386-apple-darwin9.6.0/
>> lib/libgrass_rtree.dylib, file is not of required architecture
> When compiling as a universal binary (ppc + i386) you must also set
> LDFLAGS. The libraries need that for linking. Only source compile
> and program linking use C/CXX-FLAGS.
Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici in tempo reale!
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