[GRASS-dev] v.clean segfault on certain grass versions

Christopher Mire cnm3332 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 11:39:22 EST 2009

I'm having an issue with v.clean in versions of grass that I have compiled,
name 6.3.1 from svn on 1-26-09 and 6.4.0RC3.  I also am running the version
from Fedora 10 repository (6.3).  The fedora version does not segfault on
v.clean, but my compiled versions do and I am trying to find out why.  I am
wondering why the Fedora provided version does not crash on my machine, yet
the versions I compile do.  Let me know if more information is needed.

Here are the configure commands I have tried.

*CFLAGS="-pipe -g" ./configure  --with-x

CFLAGS="-pipe -g" ./configure --enable-64bit --with-x --enable-largefile

here are the commands leading up to the crashing command.

*g.remove vect=my_nat_gas
g.copy vect=nat_gas_pipe,my_nat_gas
echo "1|-89.266544|28.311140|miss1
9|-89.497|28.663|testing" | v.in.ascii cat=1 x=2 y=3 out=stations \
    col="cat integer, east double precision, north double precision,\
label varchar(43)"
#create nodes at ends of lines of network
v.net in=my_nat_gas out=my_nat_gas_nodes operation=nodes
#create vector map of connecting lines from stations to pipe network
v.distance from=stations to=my_nat_gas_nodes out=lines upload=dist \
    column=dist from_type=point to_type=point dmax=0.02 --overwrite -a
v.patch input=lines,my_nat_gas out=connected
 v.clean input=connected output=connected_clean tool=snap,break,rmdupl

*core dump backtraces

grass 6.3.1svn from monday jan 26th, 2009*
#0  0x00000000011518ae in RTreeInsertRect2 (r=0x7fc0fa6e8a58, tid=-93414816,

    n=0xfffffffffa6eb570, new_node=0x7fff041150a8, level=1) at index.c:96
#1  0x0000000001151941 in RTreeInsertRect2 (r=0x7fc0fa6e8a58, tid=-93414816,

    n=0x7fc0fa6dd260, new_node=0x7fff04115188, level=1) at index.c:102
#2  0x0000000001151941 in RTreeInsertRect2 (r=0x7fc0fa6e8a58, tid=-93414816,

    n=0x7fc0fa7379d0, new_node=0x7fff04115268, level=1) at index.c:102
#3  0x0000000001151941 in RTreeInsertRect2 (r=0x7fc0fa6e8a58, tid=-93414816,

    n=0x7fc0fa737be0, new_node=0x7fff04115348, level=1) at index.c:102
#4  0x0000000001151941 in RTreeInsertRect2 (r=0x7fc0fa6e8a58, tid=-93414816,

    n=0x7fc0fb008a00, new_node=0x7fff04115428, level=1) at index.c:102
#5  0x0000000001151941 in RTreeInsertRect2 (r=0x7fc0fa6e8a58, tid=-93414816,

    n=0x2a172f0, new_node=0x7fff04115540, level=1) at index.c:102
#6  0x0000000001151ce1 in RTreeInsertRect (R=0x7fc0fa6e8a58, Tid=-93414816,
    Root=0x7fff04116258, Level=1) at index.c:160
#7  0x000000000115233d in RTreeDeleteRect (R=0x7fff041155f0, Tid=878,
    Nn=0x7fff04116258) at index.c:299
#8  0x0000000007610643 in dig_spidx_del_node (Plus=0x7fff04116050, node=878)
    at spindex.c:197
#9  0x000000000760b42f in dig_del_line (plus=0x7fff04116050, line=473)
    at plus_line.c:202
#10 0x0000000000142d71 in V2_delete_line_nat (Map=0x7fff04116040, line=473)
    at write_nat.c:606
#11 0x00000000001424a8 in V2_rewrite_line_nat (Map=0x7fff04116040, line=473,

    type=2, points=0x7fc0f8f8e890, cats=0x7fc0f8f8e8c0) at write_nat.c:353
#12 0x00000000001417bd in Vect_rewrite_line (Map=0x7fff04116040, line=473,
    type=2, points=0x7fc0f8f8e890, cats=0x7fc0f8f8e8c0) at write.c:151
#13 0x0000000000140df4 in Vect_snap_lines_list (Map=0x7fff04116040,
    List_lines=0x7fc0f8f8e840, thresh=0, Err=0x0, msgout=0x32e5b6c860)
    at snap.c:351
#14 0x00000000001410a5 in Vect_snap_lines (Map=0x7fff04116040, type=79,
    thresh=0, Err=0x0, msgout=0x32e5b6c860) at snap.c:433
#15 0x0000000000402f85 in main (argc=5, argv=0x7fff04116de8) at main.c:325

*grass 6.4.0 rc3*
#0  0x00000000012578ce in RTreeInsertRect2 (r=0x7f829a5e8a58,
    n=0xffffffff9a5eb570, new_node=0x7fffa3917848, level=1) at index.c:97
97        assert(level >= 0 && level <= n->level);
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00000000012578ce in RTreeInsertRect2 (r=0x7f829a5e8a58,
    n=0xffffffff9a5eb570, new_node=0x7fffa3917848, level=1) at index.c:97
#1  0x0000000001257961 in RTreeInsertRect2 (r=0x7f829a5e8a58,
    n=0x7f829a5dd260, new_node=0x7fffa3917928, level=1) at index.c:102
#2  0x0000000001257961 in RTreeInsertRect2 (r=0x7f829a5e8a58,
    n=0x7f829a6379d0, new_node=0x7fffa3917a08, level=1) at index.c:102
#3  0x0000000001257961 in RTreeInsertRect2 (r=0x7f829a5e8a58,
    n=0x7f829a637be0, new_node=0x7fffa3917ae8, level=1) at index.c:102
#4  0x0000000001257961 in RTreeInsertRect2 (r=0x7f829a5e8a58,
    n=0x7f829adddab0, new_node=0x7fffa3917bc8, level=1) at index.c:102
#5  0x0000000001257961 in RTreeInsertRect2 (r=0x7f829a5e8a58,
    n=0x2f4b410, new_node=0x7fffa3917ce0, level=1) at index.c:102
#6  0x0000000001257d01 in RTreeInsertRect (R=0x7f829a5e8a58,
    Root=0x7fffa39189d8, Level=1) at index.c:156
#7  0x000000000125835d in RTreeDeleteRect (R=0x7fffa3917d90, Tid=878,
    Nn=0x7fffa39189d8) at index.c:284
#8  0x000000000104f737 in dig_spidx_del_node (Plus=0x7fffa39187d0, node=878)
    at spindex.c:245
#9  0x000000000104a525 in dig_del_line (plus=0x7fffa39187d0, line=473)
    at plus_line.c:235
#10 0x000000000014afe2 in V2_delete_line_nat (Map=0x7fffa39187c0, line=473)
    at write_nat.c:746
#11 0x000000000014a719 in V2_rewrite_line_nat (Map=0x7fffa39187c0, line=473,

    type=2, points=0x7f8298c608d0, cats=0x7f8298c60900) at write_nat.c:468
#12 0x000000000014989d in Vect_rewrite_line (Map=0x7fffa39187c0, line=473,
    type=2, points=0x7f8298c608d0, cats=0x7f8298c60900) at write.c:189
#13 0x0000000000148f72 in Vect_snap_lines_list (Map=0x7fffa39187c0,
    List_lines=0x7f8298b42a30, thresh=0, Err=0x0) at snap.c:371
#14 0x000000000014914b in Vect_snap_lines (Map=0x7fffa39187c0, type=79,
    thresh=0, Err=0x0) at snap.c:442
#15 0x0000000000402f09 in main (argc=5, argv=0x7fffa3919568) at main.c:342
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