[GRASS-dev] grass 640

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 6 04:43:20 EDT 2009

Martin wrote:
> it's going to be one month from the last RC. Looking at the list of
> open tickets [1]. Is there really any blocker to release 6.4.0?
> [1] http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&milestone=6.4.0

#595: WinGRASS g.version -c fails (can not release without viewable GPL)
      also #588: wxGUI help->About license view broken

#608: lat/lon support in gis.m is badly broken if you zoom out past 90N/S.

bug #?: launching full tcl/tk NVIZ from wxGUI File-> menu is a no-op on
        WinGrass.  This is a flagship module, we shouldn't ship without
        it working. (path/basename error?; also from Cmd> prompt)

#498: r.sun2 lat/lon checks (non-critical but I'm reviewing the patch now)

should be easy to fix, but wingrass devs are few:
- a few lingering path name quoting issues
  #234/#580,  #629|comment:5

#234/#580 might be fixed with r37872.

> From my side, I have no time and motivation to make wxGUI vector
> digitizer working on MS Windows - so I am leaving this issue to
> someone else for now - at least to write tutorial how to compile Python
> extension in situation when GRASS is built using MinGW and the rest
> (Python, wxPython) using MS VS.

The OSGeo4W installer does this; links for anyone interested:



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