[GRASS-dev] [OSSIM] Ossimplanet integration with Grass and Qgis - status report #8

Massimo Di Stefano massimodisasha at yahoo.it
Mon Jul 20 10:19:43 EDT 2009

Week 8 (July 18, 2009)

What did I do this week:

Implemented a Grass shell in the pyqt gui, (it is a standard unix  
shell + grass environment). The history is readed directly from the  
grass history file deleting the duplicated lines and sorting it  
alfabetically (it is accessible using a combo-box). Some people  
suggest me to use pyredline directly i've sperimented it but i'm more  
familiar with python list and combo box approach.
Working to have a better rendering from the grass command that print  
text-infos about selected layers.
Rewrite the python's tool to transfer data from postgresql to  
spatialite,i re-done a more-informational spatialite-db based on  
geonames (i included other infos,not only : name , lon, lat values).  
I'm Planning to add different spatialite-db (examples : one for  
geonames, one for gps recorded data, an other one for saved points of  
interest + tool to store points dircty in spatialite) this work will  
be integrated by routing abilities (using grass command, i'm following  
with interest the new great Gsoc tool about routing) .
Bug fixing ... continue some linux/osx test, i find that ubuntu 8.10  
has a bug in the sdl libraries, this give problems to detetc the  
"joystick-hat" using pygame. Googling and coding seems i find a  
walkaround  using python-gobject as an alternative way to support  
joystick instead to use pygame (only for ubuntu8.10).  The code to  
detect hardware is ready but i need to reimplement the joystick code  
from pygame to, but this is a minor issue, i'll do it it only if  
really needed ubuntu8.10 support. (on more recent distro "sidux" all  
works fine with pygame as on osx, i' also tried a bit ... on windows  
platform,some adjustment i get the gui loaded and the position message  
working, but too many dependencies to satysfy (gpsd, pygame...)so i  
aborted my tests )
Added a Qdialog to show infos about illegal gui usage, and to manage  
exceptions. (it is a simply window to show a message if we done some  
not handled action .. like :  pan without selecting a pan-mode,  
connect gps withot existing connection etc...) for now i implemented  
the gui system but i need to see all the possible exception and change  
the message according to it.

What do I plan on doing next week:
Continue bug fixing, gui cosmetics.
Recompile ossim using the last svn (thanks to the Dev team some new  
cool enanchemets are coming :-) ), see if it is possible to fighting  
against the code to send message trough tcp, i will start to read  
source code, i hope to be able to learn about the problem that block  
me to send data-message.

Am I blocked on anything:
Continue to read and try to learn the ossim tcp inteface (target: send  
data using tcp connection).

Apologize me for the gap-time to present this report. ...
The last week i was out of my home, without computer and internet  
i had only the google "note-book" (paper) to make annotation about ideas
(they can ever come up .. when you don't know.. at every time of the  

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