[GRASS-dev] Two new features in ps.output

E. Jorge Tizado ejtizado at ono.com
Sat Jun 6 13:43:51 EDT 2009

Thanks Dylan,

No completely vector-based, obiously the raster map is a bitmap, but all lines 
and the green area with transparent color are vector based. I send you a 
screen snapshot of a 400% KPDF magnification (this attach with grey n, see 
below) to test quality.

For the moment ps.output is a grass-addon different of ps.map but trying to 
retain similar script files. For example, to draw the attached map the kernel 
code of the script is:

ps.output -g out=$OUTPUT.ps << EOF

[... paper, grid, maparea, not commented -- in general just in 
grass-addons ...]

raster 30m.3d at bierzo      <- raster in the main area (dark gray)
  grey y                  <- draw raster in greyscale (this attach N)
  maskcolor 200:200:200	  <- tint of the raster background (outside main area)
  maskcell mask at bierzo 30m.3d at bierzo <- mask of main area and raster for
                                background (here the same as the main area)

vareas cs_lim at bierzo   <- vector map of the green area
  line                 <- style of the limit line of the area
    width .1mm         <- line width
    color none         <- no color = no line
  fcolor 0:130:0$.5    <- fill color 0:130:0 = green, .5 = transparent 50%

vpoint bz_lim at bierzo  <- boundary of main area (El Bierzo, spanish region :)
  type boundary       <- this is vpoint but use along boundary
  symbol basic/circle <- symbol to repeat
  line                <- style of the line of the symbol
    width .3mm        
    color black
  fcolor yellow       <- fill of the symbol
  size 3.5            <- scale of the symbol
  dist 20             <- separation between symbols (for the moment, points)
  cline               <- style of the conection line
    width .3mm
    color black

vpoint meteo at bierzo   <- vpoint type point (default)
  symbol basic/circle
    width .3mm
    color black
  fcolor red
  size 3

Many new features are just in grass-addons ps/ps.output with new styles of 
grids, etc. 
The new features are not in grass-addons because I am testing and cleaning the 
code for transparent colors (all colors are named or red:green:blue$alpha 
colores -lines, areas, patterns, symbols, etc), and for symbol along lines (I 
develop the code in the last 2 days).

All new ideas to improve the postscript output of GRASS are wellcome.
The idea of symbol along lines if from the INT1: "symbols, abbreviation and 
terms used on charts" of the Organisation Hydrographique International -- to 
can draw their area limits, railways, overhead transporter, dykes... :)

> Very Nice work. Is this an extension to ps.map, or something new? Can
> you elaborate on the intermediate format-- is it completely
> vector-based?
> Cheers,
> Dylan
> On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 9:08 AM, E. Jorge Tizado<ejtizado at ono.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I present two new features in ps.output (soon in grass-addons) as you see
> > in attach:
> > - transparent colors. This is possible only using ghostscript (with
> > standard postscript is not implemented) via -g flag of ps.output, but you
> > can traslate to PDF 1.4 to retain transparency.
> > - eps symbols along a line or boundary with a constant separation.
> > Perhaps, this is not prefect but work fine in my simple test maps.
> >
> > --
> > Dr. E. Jorge Tizado
> > Dpt. Biodiversity and Environmental Management
> > University of León
> >
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Dr. E. Jorge Tizado
Dpt. Biodiversity and Environmental Management
University of León
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