[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #111: r.los fails in WinGRASS with high
values for max_dis parameter
trac at osgeo.org
Tue Mar 3 04:32:06 EST 2009
#111: r.los fails in WinGRASS with high values for max_dis parameter
Reporter: gsancho | Owner: grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: 6.4.0
Component: Raster | Version: svn-develbranch6
Resolution: | Keywords: wingrass r.los
Platform: MSWindows XP | Cpu: x86-32
Comment (by neteler):
Here the backtrace of the segfault:
GRASS 6.5.svn (patUTM32):~ > gdb r.los
GNU gdb 6.8-2mdv2009.0 (Mandriva Linux release 2009.0)
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-mandriva-linux-gnu"...
(gdb) r pat_dtm_5m out=lavarone_viewshed_los
coordinate=676769.91,5091720.66 obs_elev=42 max=30000 --o
Starting program: /home/neteler/grass64/dist.x86_64-unknown-linux-
gnu/bin/r.los pat_dtm_5m out=lavarone_viewshed_los
coordinate=676769.91,5091720.66 obs_elev=42 max=30000 --o
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using maximum distance from the viewing point (meters): 30000.000000
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007f8586b9c345 in memcpy () from /lib64/libc.so.6
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00007f8586b9c345 in memcpy () from /lib64/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#1 0x00007f858856319f in segment_get (SEG=0x7fff9097cf80,
buf=0x7fff9097b99c, row=-1, col=2277)
at get.c:49
index = -2908
n = 3
i = 0
#2 0x0000000000403a2d in find_inclination (x=0, y=1169, viewpt_elev=1381,
row_viewpt=1168, col_viewpt=2277, docurv=0, ellps_a=6.
9273684732832797e-310) at pts_elim.c:300
del_x = 0
del_y = 1169
dist = 11690
picked_pt_elev = 1290.72095
#3 0x0000000000403567 in hidden_point_elimination (head=0x461f0b0,
seg_in_p=0x7fff9097cf80, seg_out_p=0x7fff9097cf40,
seg_patt_p=0x7fff9097cf00, quadrant=2,
sign_on_y=1, sign_on_x=-1, row_viewpt=1168, col_viewpt=2277,
patt_flag=0, docurv=0,
ellps_a=6.9273684732832797e-310) at pts_elim.c:99
CHECKED_PT = (struct point *) 0x36f88b0
BLOCKING_PT = (struct point *) 0x3706e30
orientation_neighbor_1 = 1.5716524909692637
orientation_neighbor_2 = 1.5707963267948966
inclination_neighbor_1 = -0.0077292142003704354
inclination_neighbor_2 = -0.0079553153874519812
interpolated_inclination = 3.6327397940754172e-316
correct_neighbor_inclination = -0.0073442512349566561
correct_neighbor_orientation = 1.5716532246142985
correct_neighbor_x = -1
correct_neighbor_y = 1167
neighbor_1_y = 1168
neighbor_1_x = -1
neighbor_2_x = 0
neighbor_2_y = 1169
uu = 0
vv = 1
mask = 1
#4 0x0000000000403cb7 in segment (segment_no=5, xmax=1168, ymax=2277,
slope_1=0, slope_2=0.5, flip=1,
sign_on_y=1, sign_on_x=-1, viewpt_elev=1381, seg_in_p=0x7fff9097cf80,
seg_patt_p=0x7fff9097cf00, row_viewpt=1168, col_viewpt=2277,
patt_flag=0, docurv=0,
ellps_a=6.9273684732832797e-310) at segment.c:81
lower_limit_y = 0
upper_limit_y = 0
less = 0
x = 0
y = -1
x_actual = 0
y_actual = 1
x_flip = 0
y_flip = 1
head = (struct point *) 0x461f0b0
PRESENT_PT = (struct point *) 0x5094270
quadrant = 2
#5 0x0000000000402cdf in main (argc=7, argv=0x7fff9097d3d8) at main.c:328
row_viewpt = 1168
col_viewpt = 2277
nrows = 1932
ncols = 3002
a = 2277
b = 1168
row = 1932
patt_flag = 0
segment_no = 5
flip = 1
xmax = 1168
ymax = 2277
sign_on_y = 1
sign_on_x = -1
submatrix_rows = 484
submatrix_cols = 751
lenth_data_item = 4
patt = 0
in_fd = 8
out_fd = 9
patt_fd = 0
old = 6
new = 7
slope_1 = 0
slope_2 = 0.5
max_vert_angle = 0
color_factor = 6.9532634621160482e-310
old_mapset = 0x2079260 "PERMANENT"
patt_mapset = 0x0
value = (FCELL *) 0x7fff9097cfc8
search_mapset = 0x404020 ""
current_mapset = 0x7f858855ca40 "neteler"
in_name = 0x2078f90
out_name = 0x2078fd0
patt_name = 0x0
cats = {ncats = 0, num = 0, title = 0x0, fmt = 0x7f85889529c8 "",
m1 = -1.16239034e-34,
a1 = 4.57453884e-41, m2 = -1.1265745e-34, a2 = 4.57453884e-41, q =
{truncate_only = -2005476696,
round_only = 32645, defaultDRuleSet = 0, defaultCRuleSet = 1,
infiniteLeftSet = -2003535648,
infiniteRightSet = 32645, cRangeSet = 9, maxNofRules = 0, nofRules =
defaultDMin = 2.0410903428666442e-314, defaultDMax = 6.
defaultCMin = -2035152548, defaultCMax = 32645, infiniteDLeft = 6.
infiniteDRight = 3.1892036252181633e-316, infiniteCLeft = -1869098656,
infiniteCRight = 32767,
dMin = 6.9532634621109099e-310, dMax = 6.92736690931413e-310, cMin =
0, cMax = 0,
table = 0x7f8588947a00, fp_lookup = {vals = 0x7f85889514b8, rules =
0x400fe8, nalloc = -2035101336,
active = 32645, inf_dmin = 2.0732931236830403e-317, inf_dmax = 2.
inf_min = 1989, inf_max = 1}}, labels = 0x7f8588952d20, marks =
nalloc = -1869098208, last_marked_rule = 32767}
cellhd_elev = {format = -1, compressed = 1, rows = 19509, rows3 =
19509, cols = 23522,
cols3 = 23522, depths = 1, proj = 1, zone = 32, ew_res = 5, ew_res3 = 5,
ns_res = 5, ns_res3 = 5,
tb_res = 1, north = 5157086, south = 5059541, east = 730098, west =
612488, top = 1, bottom = 0}
cellhd_patt = {format = 0, compressed = 0, rows = -2005476696,
rows3 = 32645, cols = 23,
cols3 = 0, depths = -2005476696, proj = 32645, zone = 23, ew_res = 6.
ew_res3 = 1.1363509854348671e-322, ns_res = 6.92736847137421e-310,
ns_res3 = 7.4109846876186982e-323,
tb_res = 1.9268560187808615e-322, north = 1.5065906837361573e-314, south
= 6.927368375482738e-310,
east = 7.4109846876186982e-323, west = 6.9273684713750005e-310, top = 8.
bottom = 1.9268560187808615e-322}
cell = (CELL *) 0x7fff9097d418
fcell = (FCELL *) 0x2079330
data = 4.57453884e-41
viewpt_elev = 1381.43994
seg_in = {open = 1, nrows = 1932, ncols = 3002, len = 4, srows =
484, scols = 751,
size = 1453936, spr = 4, spill = 749, fd = 8, scb = 0x2079010, nseg = 4,
cur = 0, offset = 20}
seg_out = {open = 1, nrows = 1932, ncols = 3002, len = 4, srows =
484, scols = 751,
size = 1453936, spr = 4, spill = 749, fd = 9, scb = 0x20ada80, nseg = 4,
cur = 1, offset = 20}
seg_patt = {open = -2035101336, nrows = 32645, ncols =
-2005511248, len = 32645, srows = 0,
scols = 0, size = -2005476696, spr = 32645, spill = 4198278, fd = 0, scb
= 0x7f85889478e0, nseg = 9,
cur = 0, offset = 39}
heads = {0x20fee70, 0x2a40bf0, 0x38a09f0, 0x4619eb0, 0x7c96f087,
0x7f858876df24, 0x7f8586b20b18,
0x7, 0x1f25bc2, 0x7fff9097cee0, 0x7fff9097d068, 0x7f8586b20b50, 0x0,
0x7f8588946f18, 0x7f85889514b8,
SEARCH_PT = (struct point *) 0x7f8587a881e0
module = (struct GModule *) 0x7f858855cf20
opt1 = (struct Option *) 0x7f858855ce80
opt2 = (struct Option *) 0x2078450
opt3 = (struct Option *) 0x2078380
opt5 = (struct Option *) 0x2078520
opt6 = (struct Option *) 0x20785f0
opt7 = (struct Option *) 0x20782b0
curvature = (struct Flag *) 0x7f858855ce40
history = {
mapid =
'\0' <repeats 26 times>, "�!w\210\205\177\000",
title =
mapset = '\0' <repeats 16 times>,
"���\205\205\177\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000�\224\210\205\177\000\000\000\000 at y/!��\000\000VC�\020\v�\000�\016\000\000\000\000\000��\016\000\000\000\000\000��\016\000\000\000\000",
creator = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\005", '\0' <repeats 15
maptype = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000X]!", '\0' <repeats 13
datsrc_1 = '\0' <repeats 16 times>,
datsrc_2 = "\000\000VC�\020\v�n-linux-
gnu/lib/libgcc_sX][\204\205\177\000\0000�\227\220�\177\000\000��\227\220�\177\000\000\030\000\000\000\000\000\000\000 at 4j\206\205\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000",
keywrd = "
'\0' <repeats 11 times>,
edlinecnt = -2003514440, edhist = {
"\205\177\000\000\002\vw\210\205\177\000\000\000�\224\210\205\177\000\000\000�\224\210\205\177\000\000\000\020\225\210\205\177\000\000��\224\210\205\177\000\000�\024\225\210\205\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000 at 4j\206\205\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000
'\0' <repeats 12 times>,
'\0' <repeats 13 times>, "��\227\220",
'\0' <repeats 22 times>,
'\0' <repeats 11 times>,
'\0' <repeats 12 times>,
'\0' <repeats 11 times>,
'\0' <repeats 20 times>,
'\0' <repeats 12 times>,
\225\210\205\177\000\000�\002w\210\205\177", '\0' <repeats 26 times>,
'\0' <repeats 14 times>,
�\227\210\205\177\000\000�\002w\210\205\177", '\0' <repeats 14 times>,
"\036", '\0' <repeats 11 times>, "�!w\210\205\177\000\0000�\227\220",
"\205\177\000\000�\002w\210\205\177", '\0' <repeats 26 times>,
'\0' <repeats 11 times>, "�\227\210",
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
'\0' <repeats 14 times>, "\002\000\000\000\000\000\000",
'\0' <repeats 12 times>,
\0000�\227\220�\177\000\000��\227\220�\177", '\0' <repeats 11
times>, "F`",
'\0' <repeats 13 times>,
"�\227\210\205\177\000\000�\002w\210\205\177", '\0' <repeats 34
'\0' <repeats 18 times>,
'\0' <repeats 13 times>,
'\0' <repeats 14 times>,
"�\020\v�\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000�E`", '\0' <repeats 14
'\0' <repeats 13 times>, "\001\000\000"}}
title = "�\024\225\210\205\177\000\000��\224\210\205\177",
'\0' <repeats 18 times>,
w/!��\000\000VC�\020\v�", '\0' <repeats 16 times>,
aa = 6.9273684732832797e-310
e2 = 6.9273684722714332e-310
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/111#comment:14>
GRASS GIS <http://grass.osgeo.org>
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