[GRASS-dev] Poll: wxGUI render button default activation

Martin Landa landa.martin at gmail.com
Wed Nov 4 12:49:25 EST 2009


2009/11/4 Markus Neteler <neteler at osgeo.org>:
> to get the behaviour of the wxGUI closer to other products including
> QGIS, I would suggest to activation the render button (right bottom
> corner of the display) by default.
> Teaching GRASS the students always ask me "why don't I see anything
> when loading a new map into the manager??" - the default change
> would solve this problem. First thing I do when using wxGUI is activating
> "Render".

Not sure, rendering can be sometimes slow. But basically I am not
against. Anyway rendering engine should be optimalized in GRASS 7. So

+0 or almost +1 ;-)


Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa

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