[GRASS-dev] Modules for GPU-based upgrade?

Seth Price seth at pricepages.org
Fri Apr 2 16:33:46 EDT 2010

I know that double precision is supported on newer cards and CUDA, but  
the limitation may be OpenCL. I'm not sure how to best make that work  
besides making GPU acceleration optional and/or using macros to let  
the user more easily choose. In the future there will probably be  
better support in OpenCL, which lends support for macros.


via iPhone

On Apr 2, 2010, at 2:03 PM, Dylan Beaudette <debeaudette at ucdavis.edu>  

> On Friday 02 April 2010, Seth Price wrote:
>> I'm a student interested in a Summer of Code project to improve some
>> modules with GPU-based code. In theory, this could result in a 50x
>> speedup for embarrassingly parallel operations (ie. raster). There is
>> a list of some possible modules for upgrade here:
>> http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/GPU
>> What would the GRASS community think of also including these modules
>> as options for improvement? Do they need a speedup? Am I missing
>> anything?
>> - r.resamp.interp (spline & Lanczos would be added)
>> - r.slop.aspect
>> - r.texture
>> - i.sunhours
>> - i.vi
>> These also work out well for my thesis work (land cover
>> classification), which gives me extra motivation. ;)
>> ~Seth
> Hi,
> I think that it sounds like a great idea. Have any ideas on how to  
> keep double
> precision when working with the GPU?
> Cheers,
> Dylan
> -- 
> Dylan Beaudette
> Soil Resource Laboratory
> http://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/
> University of California at Davis
> 530.754.7341

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