[GRASS-dev] GRASS Scripts access to channel headers info

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Thu Feb 4 07:10:48 EST 2010

2010/2/4 António Rocha <antonio.rocha at deimos.com.pt>:
> Greetings all
> I'm doing a few scripts that requires accessing LANDSAT/or other satellite
> images channel header information (e.g. Gain/Bias). Is it possible to acess
> that information through a Script file? I mean, having a script that
> processes what I want and in the meanwhile uses some channel header values?

-> CHAPTER 8: Scripts to bulk import LANDSAT-TM5/LANDSAT-TM7 scenes
    from GLCF Maryland into GRASS
    * glcf_landsat7_for_NC_SPM_WAKE_process.sh (reproject, spatial
subset with GDAL)
    * glcf_landsat5_for_NC_SPM_WAKE_import.sh (import into GRASS)
    * glcf_landsat7_2000_for_NC_SPM_WAKE_import.sh (import into GRASS)
    * glcf_landsat7_2002_for_NC_SPM_WAKE_import.sh (import into GRASS)

You can then use r.info to retrieve the metadata and use them for processing.

Hope this helps,

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