[GRASS-dev] lidar tools update in grass7

Helena Mitasova hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Sat Feb 6 11:16:02 EST 2010

On Feb 6, 2010, at 3:46 AM, Markus Metz wrote:

> Maris Nartiss wrote:
>> Horay! Good job!
>> Still could You, please, take a look at this issue:
>> http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/96
> The column option works now and the module no longer sits there and does nothing, it reports now progress, and is faster, particularly for bicubic interpolation. I would recommend backporting all changes after some more testing because some of the lidar tools are not working properly in grass 6.x.

I vote for getting the fixes backported at least to grass65 and in fact they should go into the 64 release because the modules that are there currently have numerous bugs are not generally usable. (e.g. when running v.outlier the data got cleaned up correctly but only about half of the segments made it into the output file - we haven't tried to run it on smaller sections, but overall it was rather erratic).
Here is a good raw lidar  data set for testing (it can be imported into nc_spm, it is the same coord. system), 
but I  can have it tested here if the fixes make it to mswidnows daily binaries.

thanks a lot - that sounds like a great progress,


> In ticket #96, the command
> v.surf.bspline input=precip_30ynormals rast=precip_30ynormals_surf column=annual layer=1 sin=1000 sie=1000
> is ok for testing, nicer results are obtained with
> v.surf.bspline input=precip_30ynormals rast=precip_30ynormals_surf type=bicubic column=annual layer=1 sin=4.0e+4 sie=4.0e+4
>> Also while You understand that code, please, could You add some
>> commets to more tricky places in code to make code maintenance more
>> easy for not-so-die-hard coders? 
> I'll try my best. I think I understand the code, but I don't really understand that Tcholetsky thing (which I did not touch), so I can't add comments there.
>> Some things in GRASS lidar tools are
>> really cool and advanced and thus not so easy to understand without
>> carefull code review for casual bugfixers.
> The core of the lidar tools is the lidarlib, that is AFAICT robust and working. Bugs are most likely in modules, so I'll try to add comments there. I have reorganized the code for v.surf.bspline in the hope that it is now easier to read.
> I forgot to mention, there is a problem with sqlite, it is much slower than dbf, no idea if this is a problem of my system or of the grass sqlite driver or of the way auxiliary tables are accessed by the lidar tools.
> Markus M
>> Thanks!
>> Maris.
>> 2010/2/5, Markus Metz <markus.metz.giswork at googlemail.com>:
>>> details on r40831:
>>> Performance has been increased for all modules by reducing the default
>>> segment size, interpolation settings are not affected. Previously, the
>>> modules seemed to be optimized for settings where only one segment was
>>> needed. As soon as several segments where needed, processing time
>>> increased drastically. Fixed for all modules, now optimized for larger
>>> datasets.
>>> Sometimes interpolation settings were modified for the last row and
>>> column segments, i.e. for these segments different interpolation
>>> settings were used than for the other segments. The same spline step
>>> values are now used for all segments.
>>> All modules have a new flag to estimate point density and mean distance
>>> between points. This mean distance is the minimum spline step, according
>>> to the documentation recommended spline steps are 2 to 4 times the mean
>>> distance, depending on the module.
>>> All modules now create a proper name for the auxiliar table, sometimes a
>>> name was created but a different one was used or a fully qualified name
>>> with @ was used: illegal table name.
>>> Several modules had memory leaks when accessing the auxiliar table, all
>>> are fixed.
>>> v.lidar.edgedetection assigned category 0 instead of 3 to unknown points
>>> (neither edge nor terrain), fixed. There was a bad memory leak in
>>> v.lidar.edgedetection, fixed.
>>> v.outlier could not properly detect outliers if several segments were
>>> needed, the points falling into the overlapping zones were not properly
>>> updated (uninitialized variable used).
>>> v.surf.bspline no longer produces artifacts along region boundaries and
>>> is now optimized for larger datasets. AFAICT it did not properly work if
>>> the region had to be subdivided into several segments, it was restricted
>>> to one segment.
>>> test environment was nc_spm_08
>>> g.region vect=elev_lid792_bepts at PERMANENT res=1
>>> north:      221230
>>> south:      219580
>>> west:       637740
>>> east:       639530
>>> nsres:      1
>>> ewres:      1
>>> rows:       1650
>>> cols:       1790
>>> cells:      2953500
>>> e.g. for grass64
>>> v.outlier --o --v input=elev_lid792_bepts at PERMANENT
>>> output=elev_lid792_bepts_nooutliers64
>>> outlier=elev_lid792_bepts_outliers64 soe=5 son=5 thres_o=0.1
>>> and grass7
>>> v.outlier --o --v input=elev_lid792_bepts at PERMANENT
>>> output=elev_lid792_bepts_nooutliers outlier=elev_lid792_bepts_outliers
>>> soe=5 son=5 thres_o=0.1
>>> these settings will detect more outliers than are probably there, they
>>> are for illustration of the artefacts.
>>> obvious artefacts in elev_lid792_bepts_outliers64
>>> or in grass64
>>> v.surf.bspline --o --v input=elev_lid792_bepts at PERMANENT
>>> raster=elev_lid792_rast64 sie=5 sin=5 type=bicubic lambda_i=0.1
>>> vs. grass7
>>> v.surf.bspline --o --v input=elev_lid792_bepts at PERMANENT
>>> raster=elev_lid792_rast sie=5 sin=5 type=bicubic lambda_i=0.1
>>> no more artefacts along the region boundaries and faster
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