[GRASS-dev] Python Scripts- mapcalc

António Rocha antonio.rocha at deimos.com.pt
Fri Feb 12 08:18:26 EST 2010

YOu right
Here it goes

Thank you

Glynn Clements wrote:
> António Rocha wrote:
>>     options, flags = grass
> I presume that the rest got lost here?
>> When I enter:
>> python.teste raster1=aspect at PERMANENT raster2=aspect at PERMANENT 
>> output=Zteste8  
>> GRASS freezes, I mean. It's still processing without stopping or exiting 
>> or even any error. Any idea of what might be wrong?
> No. If you post the complete script as an attachment, I can test it.

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-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/env python

# g.parser demo script for python programing

#%  description: g.parser test script (python) TUN
#%  key: f
#%  description: A flag
#%  key: n
#%  description: Another flag
#%  key: raster1
#%  type: string
#%  gisprompt: old,cell,raster
#%  description: Raster input map
#%  required : yes
#%  key: raster2
#%  type: string
#%  gisprompt: old,cell,raster
#%  description: Raster2 input map
#%  required : yes
#%  key: output
#%  type: string
#%  gisprompt: new,cell,raster
#%  description: Output
#%  required : yes

import os
import sys

import grass.script as grass

def main():
    output = options['output']
    raster1 = options['raster1']
    raster2 = options['raster2']
    grass.mapcalc("$out = $rast1 + $rast2", out = output, rast1 = raster1, rast2 = raster2)
    if flags['f']:
        print "Flag -f set"
        print "Flag -f not set"

    if flags['n']:
        print "Flag -n foi definida mas nao devia"
        print "Flag -n not set- GOOD"      
    print options
    print flags
    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    options, flags = grass.parser()

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