[GRASS-dev] v.delaunay z-values, Google SoC wxnviz

Helena Mitasova hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Sat Feb 20 10:00:59 EST 2010

On Feb 20, 2010, at 2:13 AM, Hamish wrote:

> Helena wrote:
>> The only problem that I had in GRASS65 was that nviz kept
>> crashing when I tried to run it
>> with the vector data only so I had to add raster map as a
>> reference plane.
> not to defend the bug or anything, but the light grey base plane actually
> makes quite a nice shadow effect. also it shouldn't be necessary to make
> a "r.mapcalc one=1" dummy surface if you start nviz up empty and then add
> a new constant raster surface of 1 before the vector surface.

it is not a problem if you know upfront that you have to do it - but when you type
nviz vector=mytin
it just crashes. At least an error message "raster is needed to display this data"
would help. 

But I don't think anybody is actually trying to compute and visualize 
TIN surfaces like this because the raster DEM from the same points 
is just so much better. I did it only to generate images for the lecture to show 
the difference between terrain models.

Going back to nviz - Google SoC has been announced, I lost track where it stands now
but I am wondering whether we should set up 2010 topics wiki and
give wxnviz some priority, if Martin would be willing to mentor it.
We (me and a group of students here) can certainly help to test, develop manual/help pages
and maybe even do some programming to help get it moving to replace nviz 
which has many things broken or working only partially (points with attributes, file sequencing tool,
isosurfaces, etc ). 

Another tool that needs replacement in wxGUI is xganim,
it is easy enough to generate animations using scripts but to quickly preview what you actually have
in the series, browse through it, identify problems or just quickly show it,
xganim has been unbeatable so far. So it may be a good topic for Google SoC
but I am not sure we have a mentor for it (I don't know enough about wxpython to be helpful here)

> Hamish

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