[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #958: v.krige does not run in GRASS 7
Massimo Di Stefano
massimodisasha at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 04:30:44 EST 2010
Hi Cameron,
To install rgdal on mac osx i need to install rgdal manually from the terminal instead of use the gui,
beacouse the gui method fails to find gdal and proy libs and include.
when tring to install from the gui, scorll the "log" and look for the web address for rgdal
(see also a section in the log where it suggest to install rgdal manually
adding the " --configure-option " string)
then :
wget ...rgdal.tgz
and insyall it manually from a shell using :
R CMD install /path/to/rgdal.tgz --configure-options="add here the path to proy and gdal"
i hope this can help.
William has a binary packages for rdal
you cn also give a it a try.
Il giorno 21/feb/2010, alle ore 06.57, GRASS GIS ha scritto:
> #958: v.krige does not run in GRASS 7
> -----------------------+----------------------------------------------------
> Reporter: cmbarton | Owner: grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org
> Type: defect | Status: new
> Priority: normal | Milestone: 7.0.0
> Component: Vector | Version: svn-trunk
> Resolution: | Keywords: krige
> Platform: All | Cpu: All
> -----------------------+----------------------------------------------------
> Comment (by cmbarton):
> I do appreciate the pointers. However, spgrass6 will not install because
> rgdal won't install--and maybe other errors besides.
> Easy access to the manual is in the module GUI. But the module GUI won't
> launch without the many dependencies. So you need to look it up elsewhere
> to try and figure out why.
> I think it is great to have kriging available for GRASS. But I'm beginning
> to think it is somewhat premature to ship it with the main GRASS
> distribution and in the menu when it not only will not run with the normal
> GRASS dependencies, but takes a LOT of external dependencies and special
> compilations to even get it to launch.
> A very positive thing about GRASS is that it is possible to enhance it in
> many ways, and that an increasing number of sophisticated packages are
> available in the addons library to do this.
> However, I worry about having items in a standard GRASS distribution,
> particularly items in the menu, that don't work out of the box. And
> especially items in the standard distribution that require this much work
> to get to run.
> Michael
> --
> Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/958#comment:5>
> GRASS GIS <http://grass.osgeo.org>
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