[GRASS-dev] Re: 6.4.0 never-ending story

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Wed Jan 6 19:30:59 EST 2010

Tim Michelsen wrote:

> > "Stable Windows version" or "released soon". Choose one.
> > 
> > The Windows version is hampered by a lack of Windows developers. Most
> > of the Windows development is being done by people who use Linux or
> > MacOSX as their main platform and occasionaly build and test on
> > Windows as a favour to Windows users.
> > 
> > It's also hampered by a tendency for developers to try to "paper over"
> > Windows problems with quick hacks rather than getting to the root of
> > the problem and developing robust solutions.
> In which way is the Windows development approach different?

It's different in that (AFAIK) we don't have anyone who uses Windows
as their preferred development platform. All of GRASS' active
developers use either Linux or MacOSX.

However, most of us at least have access to Windows systems. 
Occasionally someone will compile the latest sources on Windows and
(try to) fix build errors and known bugs.

However, trying to develop on Windows tends to be tiring. cmd.exe and
the Windows console are primitive compared to their Unix equivalents,
and Windows ports of the Unix tools always have quirks, flaws and
rough edges. And being infinitely more familiar with Unix than Windows
probably accounts for a fair amount of the hassle.

> Are you lacking only man power or also the neccessary software for
> development on Windows?

Manpower. All of the software required is free (Windows builds use
MinGW and MSys), although getting all of the pieces in place can be

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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