[GRASS-dev] wxnviz and wxdigit problems

Barton Michael michael.barton at asu.edu
Fri Jul 9 19:40:34 EDT 2010

I just updated from trunk and tried GRASS 7 and am getting some ugly errors.

On launching a lot of garbage is being dumped to the terminal--Python dictionaries for wxnviz and wxdigit (e.g., modeler data). This output also is dumped to the terminal and console when any command is run. 

Also, when I try wxnviz it does not work at all. 

Here are some of the errors I get...

Running a command:

(Sat Jul 10 07:36:21 2010)                                                      
r.info map=geology at PERMANENT                                                    
{'profile': {'raster2': {'pstyle': 'solid', 'pwidth': 1, 'pcolor': (0, 255, 0, 255)}, 'raster0': {'pstyle': 'solid', 'pwidth': 1, 'pcolor': (0, 0, 255, 255)}, 'raster1': {'pstyle': 'solid', 'pwidth': 1, 'pcolor': (255, 0, 0, 255)}, 'x-axis': {'max': 0, 'type': 'auto', 'log': False, 'min': 0}, 'y-axis': {'max': 0, 'type': 'auto', 'log': False, 'min': 0}, 'grid': {'color': (200, 200, 200, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'marker': {'color': (0, 0, 0, 255), 'fill': 'transparent', 'type': 'triangle', 'legend': u'Segment break', 'size': 2}, 'font': {'axisSize': 11, 'legendSize': 10, 'titleSize': 12}, 'legend': {'enabled': True}}, 'georect': {'symbol': {'color': (0, 0, 255, 255), 'width': 2}}, 'cmd': {'showType': {'point': {'enabled': True}, 'area': {'enabled': True}, 'face': {'enabled': True}, 'centroid': {'enabled': True}, 'line': {'enabled': True}, 'boundary': {'enabled': True}}, 'rasterColorTable': {'selection': 'rainbow', 'enabled': False}, 'verbosity': {'selection': 'grassenv'}, 'addNewLayer': {'enabled': True}, 'rasterOpaque': {'enabled': False}, 'closeDlg': {'enabled': False}, 'overwrite': {'enabled': False}}, 'projection': {'statusbar': {'epsg': '', 'proj4': '', 'projFile': '/Library/Frameworks/PROJ.framework/Resources/proj/epsg'}, 'format': {'ll': 'DMS', 'precision': 2}}, 'display': {'outputfont': {'type': 'Courier New', 'size': '10'}, 'statusbarMode': {'selection': 0}, 'autoZooming': {'enabled': False}, 'driver': {'type': 'cairo'}, 'autoRendering': {'enabled': True}, 'bgcolor': {'color': (255, 255, 255, 255)}, 'compResolution': {'enabled': False}, 'font': {'type': '', 'encoding': 'ISO-8859-1'}}, 'nviz': {'light': {'color': (255, 255, 255, 255), 'bright': 80, 'pos': {'y': 0.68000000000000005, 'x': 0.68000000000000005, 'z': 80}, 'ambient': 20}, 'fringe': {'color': (128, 128, 128, 255), 'elev': 55}, 'surface': {'shine': {'map': False, 'value': 60.0}, 'color': {'map': True, 'value': (0, 0, 0, 255)}, 'draw': {'res-coarse': 9, 'style': 1, 'wire-color': (136, 136, 136, 255), 'mode': 1, 'shading': 1, 'res-fine': 6}, 'position': {'y': 0, 'x': 0, 'z': 0}}, 'volume': {'color': {'map': True, 'value': (0, 0, 0, 255)}, 'shine': {'map': False, 'value': 60.0}, 'draw': {'shading': 1, 'resolution': 3, 'mode': 0}}, 'vector': {'points': {'show': False, 'color': (0, 0, 255, 255), 'height': 0, 'width': 2, 'marker': 2, 'size': 100}, 'lines': {'color': (0, 0, 255, 255), 'width': 2, 'show': False, 'flat': False, 'height': 0}}, 'view': {'persp': {'step': 5, 'value': 20}, 'pos': {'y': 0.16, 'x': 0.83999999999999997}, 'height': {'step': 100}, 'twist': {'step': 5, 'value': 0}, 'background': {'color': (255, 255, 255, 255)}, 'z-exag': {'step': 1}}}, 'atm': {'leftDbClick': {'selection': 1}, 'highlight': {'color': (255, 255, 0, 255), 'width': 2}, 'askOnDeleteRec': {'enabled': True}, 'keycolumn': {'value': 'cat'}, 'encoding': {'value': ''}}, 'general': {'defWindowPos': {'dim': '', 'enabled': False}, 'elementListExpand': {'selection': 0}}, 'manager': {'askOnQuit': {'enabled': True}, 'askOnRemoveLayer': {'enabled': True}, 'changeOpacityLevel': {'enabled': False}}, 'vdigit': {'category': {'value': 1}, 'layer': {'value': 1}, 'queryLength': {'than-selection': 0, 'thresh': 0}, 'breakLines': {'enabled': False}, 'selectThresh': {'units': 'screen pixels', 'value': 10}, 'snapToVertex': {'enabled': False}, 'selectType': {'line': {'enabled': True}, 'centroid': {'enabled': True}, 'boundary': {'enabled': True}, 'point': {'enabled': True}}, 'snapping': {'units': 'screen pixels', 'value': 10}, 'delRecord': {'enabled': True}, 'addRecord': {'enabled': True}, 'selectInside': {'enabled': False}, 'categoryMode': {'selection': 0}, 'saveOnExit': {'enabled': False}, 'query': {'box': True, 'selection': 0}, 'addCentroid': {'enabled': False}, 'lineWidth': {'units': 'screen pixels', 'value': 2}, 'checkForDupl': {'enabled': False}, 'symbol': {'highlightDupl': {'color': (255, 72, 0, 255), 'enabled': None}, 'boundaryOne': {'color': (0, 255, 0, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'direction': {'color': (255, 0, 0, 255), 'enabled': False}, 'point': {'color': (0, 0, 0, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'area': {'color': (217, 255, 217, 255), 'enabled': False}, 'vertex': {'color': (255, 20, 147, 255), 'enabled': False}, 'boundaryNo': {'color': (126, 126, 126, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'highlight': {'color': (255, 255, 0, 255), 'enabled': None}, 'centroidOut': {'color': (165, 42, 42, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'centroidIn': {'color': (0, 0, 255, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'centroidDup': {'color': (156, 62, 206, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'nodeTwo': {'color': (0, 86, 45, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'nodeOne': {'color': (255, 0, 0, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'boundaryTwo': {'color': (255, 135, 0, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'line': {'color': (0, 0, 0, 255), 'enabled': True}}, 'queryDangle': {'than-selection': 0, 'thresh': 0}, 'catBoundary': {'enabled': False}}, 'workspace': {'posManager': {'enabled': False}, 'posDisplay': {'enabled': False}}, 'modeler': {'action': {'color': {'disabled': (211, 211, 211, 255), 'running': (255, 0, 0), 'valid': (180, 234, 154, 255), 'invalid': (255, 255, 255, 255)}, 'width': {'default': 1, 'parameterized': 2}, 'size': {'width': 100, 'height': 50}}, 'data': {'color': {'raster': (215, 215, 248), 'vector': (248, 215, 215), 'raster3d': (215, 248, 215)}, 'size': {'width': 175, 'height': 50}}, 'loop': {'size': {'width': 175, 'height': 50}}, 'condition': {'size': {'width': 100, 'height': 50}}}, 'advanced': {'iconTheme': {'type': 'grass2'}}}
{'profile': {'raster2': {'pstyle': 'solid', 'pwidth': 1, 'pcolor': (0, 255, 0, 255)}, 'raster0': {'pstyle': 'solid', 'pwidth': 1, 'pcolor': (0, 0, 255, 255)}, 'raster1': {'pstyle': 'solid', 'pwidth': 1, 'pcolor': (255, 0, 0, 255)}, 'x-axis': {'max': 0, 'type': 'auto', 'log': False, 'min': 0}, 'y-axis': {'max': 0, 'type': 'auto', 'log': False, 'min': 0}, 'grid': {'color': (200, 200, 200, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'marker': {'color': (0, 0, 0, 255), 'fill': 'transparent', 'type': 'triangle', 'legend': u'Segment break', 'size': 2}, 'font': {'axisSize': 11, 'legendSize': 10, 'titleSize': 12}, 'legend': {'enabled': True}}, 'georect': {'symbol': {'color': (0, 0, 255, 255), 'width': 2}}, 'cmd': {'showType': {'point': {'enabled': True}, 'area': {'enabled': True}, 'face': {'enabled': True}, 'centroid': {'enabled': True}, 'line': {'enabled': True}, 'boundary': {'enabled': True}}, 'rasterColorTable': {'selection': 'rainbow', 'enabled': False}, 'verbosity': {'selection': 'grassenv'}, 'addNewLayer': {'enabled': True}, 'rasterOpaque': {'enabled': False}, 'closeDlg': {'enabled': False}, 'overwrite': {'enabled': False}}, 'projection': {'statusbar': {'epsg': '', 'proj4': '', 'projFile': '/Library/Frameworks/PROJ.framework/Resources/proj/epsg'}, 'format': {'ll': 'DMS', 'precision': 2}}, 'display': {'outputfont': {'type': 'Courier New', 'size': '10'}, 'statusbarMode': {'selection': 0}, 'autoZooming': {'enabled': False}, 'driver': {'type': 'cairo'}, 'autoRendering': {'enabled': True}, 'bgcolor': {'color': (255, 255, 255, 255)}, 'compResolution': {'enabled': False}, 'font': {'type': '', 'encoding': 'ISO-8859-1'}}, 'nviz': {'light': {'color': (255, 255, 255, 255), 'bright': 80, 'pos': {'y': 0.68000000000000005, 'x': 0.68000000000000005, 'z': 80}, 'ambient': 20}, 'fringe': {'color': (128, 128, 128, 255), 'elev': 55}, 'surface': {'shine': {'map': False, 'value': 60.0}, 'color': {'map': True, 'value': (0, 0, 0, 255)}, 'draw': {'res-coarse': 9, 'style': 1, 'wire-color': (136, 136, 136, 255), 'mode': 1, 'shading': 1, 'res-fine': 6}, 'position': {'y': 0, 'x': 0, 'z': 0}}, 'volume': {'color': {'map': True, 'value': (0, 0, 0, 255)}, 'shine': {'map': False, 'value': 60.0}, 'draw': {'shading': 1, 'resolution': 3, 'mode': 0}}, 'vector': {'points': {'show': False, 'color': (0, 0, 255, 255), 'height': 0, 'width': 2, 'marker': 2, 'size': 100}, 'lines': {'color': (0, 0, 255, 255), 'width': 2, 'show': False, 'flat': False, 'height': 0}}, 'view': {'persp': {'step': 5, 'value': 20}, 'pos': {'y': 0.16, 'x': 0.83999999999999997}, 'height': {'step': 100}, 'twist': {'step': 5, 'value': 0}, 'background': {'color': (255, 255, 255, 255)}, 'z-exag': {'step': 1}}}, 'atm': {'leftDbClick': {'selection': 1}, 'highlight': {'color': (255, 255, 0, 255), 'width': 2}, 'askOnDeleteRec': {'enabled': True}, 'keycolumn': {'value': 'cat'}, 'encoding': {'value': ''}}, 'general': {'defWindowPos': {'dim': '', 'enabled': False}, 'elementListExpand': {'selection': 0}}, 'manager': {'askOnQuit': {'enabled': True}, 'askOnRemoveLayer': {'enabled': True}, 'changeOpacityLevel': {'enabled': False}}, 'vdigit': {'category': {'value': 1}, 'layer': {'value': 1}, 'queryLength': {'than-selection': 0, 'thresh': 0}, 'breakLines': {'enabled': False}, 'selectThresh': {'units': 'screen pixels', 'value': 10}, 'snapToVertex': {'enabled': False}, 'selectType': {'line': {'enabled': True}, 'centroid': {'enabled': True}, 'boundary': {'enabled': True}, 'point': {'enabled': True}}, 'snapping': {'units': 'screen pixels', 'value': 10}, 'delRecord': {'enabled': True}, 'addRecord': {'enabled': True}, 'selectInside': {'enabled': False}, 'categoryMode': {'selection': 0}, 'saveOnExit': {'enabled': False}, 'query': {'box': True, 'selection': 0}, 'addCentroid': {'enabled': False}, 'lineWidth': {'units': 'screen pixels', 'value': 2}, 'checkForDupl': {'enabled': False}, 'symbol': {'highlightDupl': {'color': (255, 72, 0, 255), 'enabled': None}, 'boundaryOne': {'color': (0, 255, 0, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'direction': {'color': (255, 0, 0, 255), 'enabled': False}, 'point': {'color': (0, 0, 0, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'area': {'color': (217, 255, 217, 255), 'enabled': False}, 'vertex': {'color': (255, 20, 147, 255), 'enabled': False}, 'boundaryNo': {'color': (126, 126, 126, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'highlight': {'color': (255, 255, 0, 255), 'enabled': None}, 'centroidOut': {'color': (165, 42, 42, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'centroidIn': {'color': (0, 0, 255, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'centroidDup': {'color': (156, 62, 206, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'nodeTwo': {'color': (0, 86, 45, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'nodeOne': {'color': (255, 0, 0, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'boundaryTwo': {'color': (255, 135, 0, 255), 'enabled': True}, 'line': {'color': (0, 0, 0, 255), 'enabled': True}}, 'queryDangle': {'than-selection': 0, 'thresh': 0}, 'catBoundary': {'enabled': False}}, 'workspace': {'posManager': {'enabled': False}, 'posDisplay': {'enabled': False}}, 'modeler': {'action': {'color': {'disabled': (211, 211, 211, 255), 'running': (255, 0, 0), 'valid': (180, 234, 154, 255), 'invalid': (255, 255, 255, 255)}, 'width': {'default': 1, 'parameterized': 2}, 'size': {'width': 100, 'height': 50}}, 'data': {'color': {'raster': (215, 215, 248), 'vector': (248, 215, 215), 'raster3d': (215, 248, 215)}, 'size': {'width': 175, 'height': 50}}, 'loop': {'size': {'width': 175, 'height': 50}}, 'condition': {'size': {'width': 100, 'height': 50}}}, 'advanced': {'iconTheme': {'type': 'grass2'}}}

Running wxnviz


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/cmbarton/grass_dev/grass70_dev/dist.i386
darwin10.4.0/etc/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/toolbars.py", line
288, in OnSelectTool

  File "/Users/cmbarton/grass_dev/grass70_dev/dist.i386
darwin10.4.0/etc/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp.py", line
419, in AddToolbar

  File "/Applications/GRASS/GRASS-7.0.app/Contents/MacOS/etc
/gui/wxpython/wxgui.py", line 229, in AddNviz

display = self.curr_page.maptree.GetMapDisplay())
  File "/Users/cmbarton/grass_dev/grass70_dev/dist.i386
line 68, in __init__

self.AddPage(page = self._createDataPage(),
  File "/Users/cmbarton/grass_dev/grass70_dev/dist.i386
line 260, in _createDataPage

agwStyle = globalvar.FNPageDStyle)
__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'agwStyle'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/cmbarton/grass_dev/grass70_dev/dist.i386
darwin10.4.0/etc/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/toolbars.py", line
283, in OnSelectTool

  File "/Users/cmbarton/grass_dev/grass70_dev/dist.i386
darwin10.4.0/etc/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/toolbars.py", line
299, in ExitToolbars

  File "/Users/cmbarton/grass_dev/grass70_dev/dist.i386
darwin10.4.0/etc/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/toolbars.py", line
1380, in OnExit

  File "/Users/cmbarton/grass_dev/grass70_dev/dist.i386
darwin10.4.0/etc/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp.py", line
480, in RemoveToolbar

  File "/Applications/GRASS/GRASS-7.0.app/Contents/MacOS/etc
/gui/wxpython/wxgui.py", line 237, in RemoveNviz

del self.nviz
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/cmbarton/grass_dev/grass70_dev/dist.i386
darwin10.4.0/etc/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/toolbars.py", line
288, in OnSelectTool

  File "/Users/cmbarton/grass_dev/grass70_dev/dist.i386
darwin10.4.0/etc/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp.py", line
427, in AddToolbar

  File "/Applications/GRASS/GRASS-7.0.app/Contents/MacOS/etc
/gui/wxpython/wxgui.py", line 229, in AddNviz

display = self.curr_page.maptree.GetMapDisplay())
  File "/Users/cmbarton/grass_dev/grass70_dev/dist.i386
line 68, in __init__

self.AddPage(page = self._createDataPage(),
  File "/Users/cmbarton/grass_dev/grass70_dev/dist.i386
line 260, in _createDataPage

agwStyle = globalvar.FNPageDStyle)
__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'agwStyle'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/cmbarton/grass_dev/grass70_dev/dist.i386
line 1144, in OnChangeSel

'GMFrame' object has no attribute 'nviz'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/cmbarton/grass_dev/grass70_dev/dist.i386
darwin10.4.0/etc/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/toolbars.py", line
283, in OnSelectTool

  File "/Users/cmbarton/grass_dev/grass70_dev/dist.i386
darwin10.4.0/etc/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/toolbars.py", line
299, in ExitToolbars

  File "/Users/cmbarton/grass_dev/grass70_dev/dist.i386
darwin10.4.0/etc/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/toolbars.py", line
1380, in OnExit

  File "/Users/cmbarton/grass_dev/grass70_dev/dist.i386
darwin10.4.0/etc/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp.py", line
480, in RemoveToolbar

  File "/Applications/GRASS/GRASS-7.0.app/Contents/MacOS/etc
/gui/wxpython/wxgui.py", line 237, in RemoveNviz

del self.nviz

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