[GRASS-dev] access to grass (trunk 7.0.svn ) vector map from python

Fernando Pacheco fernando.pacheco at ingesur.com.uy
Wed Jun 16 07:22:17 EDT 2010

I think there is an error in the generation process with ctypesgen for
vector.py. The problem is that "dig_estructs.h" needs the heading
"ogr_api.h" which is not found in the path included. The problem is solved
if you add the path to that file (in my case -I/usr/include/gdal). Thank
you. Greetings. Fernando.

Ing. Fernando Pacheco M.S.L.

Ingesur srl
Dirección: Requena 1062 ap.302, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Teléfonos: (+598 2) 408 90 48, (+598 9) 962 79 32
Web: http://ingesur.com.uy/

On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 1:12 AM, Fernando Pacheco <
fernando.pacheco at ingesur.com.uy> wrote:

> Yes of course, after updating the source code to the 42 566 version I ran
> "make clean", "./configure ...", "make", "rm-rf / usr/local/grass-7.0.svn "
> and "make install". In this situation is that I get the error mentioned in
> my previous email.
> If you have suggestions or an example that works please send me. I need to
> make a decision about the language used to develop the application (I want
> to use Python!). Thank you very much. Greetings. Fernando.
> Ing. Fernando Pacheco M.S.L.
> Ingesur srl
> Dirección: Requena 1062 ap.302, Montevideo, Uruguay.
> Teléfonos: (+598 2) 408 90 48, (+598 9) 962 79 32
> Web: http://ingesur.com.uy/
> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>wrote:
>> Fernando Pacheco wrote:
>> > I modified the code as you have suggested. But I encounter a new
>> problem. If
>> > I run a simple program from the command line like this:
>> > http://osgeo.pastebin.com/pPqkcvk3 get the following error:
>> > "python: malloc.c:4628: _int_malloc: Assertion `(unsigned long)(size) >=
>> > (unsigned long)(nb)' failed."
>> That's the error which I saw before fixing the wrappers.
>> > I updated the code to the 42566 version but I still have the same
>> problem. Any
>> > suggestions?. I will keep trying!. Thank you. Fernando.
>> Did you run "make clean" after updating? Makefiles aren't treated as
>> prerequisites, so an incremental build won't cause the wrappers to be
>> regenerated.
>> It should suffice to run:
>>        make -C lib/python/ctypes clean
>>        make -C lib/python/ctypes
>> --
>> Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>
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