[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #989: wx georectify: implement best features of i.points

GRASS GIS trac at osgeo.org
Fri Mar 12 07:28:52 EST 2010

#989: wx georectify: implement best features of i.points
  Reporter:  hamish       |       Owner:  grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org
      Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new                      
  Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:  6.5.0                    
 Component:  wxGUI        |     Version:  svn-develbranch6         
Resolution:               |    Keywords:  georectify i.rectify     
  Platform:  All          |         Cpu:  All                      
Comment (by hamish):

 * it would be nice if it asked you "are you sure?" on exit:
  `[Save and exit] / [Abandon changes and exit] / [Cancel]`

 very easy to lose half an hour's work by clicking the wrong button & no
 safety net.


Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/989#comment:3>
GRASS GIS <http://grass.osgeo.org>

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