[GRASS-dev] g.extension in GRASS 6.5

Helmut Kudrnovsky hellik at web.de
Sat May 8 17:35:46 EDT 2010


>> In the first place g.extension could be added to the wxGUI menu (as
>> Windows users
>> know it for the R-GUI in R-stats) to get this functionality in.
>done, see also an experimental prototype of the extension manager in GRASS 7

it's a very nice tool.

as far i can see, svn is needed for g.extension. for the wingrass-installer, 
based on the osgeo4w-stack, svn is missing.

i've searched a little bit for precompiled svn-binaries, usable in the osgeo4w-stack and the wingrass-installer, 
but I couldn't find working binaries.

best regards
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