Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Sat Nov 27 02:19:48 EST 2010

On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 6:51 AM, Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it> wrote:
> Il 21/11/2010 21:36, Michael Barton ha scritto:
>> Like Martin said, because GRASS is modular, anyone can compile it or use it with
>> or without the GUI. I use it heavily with the GUI for some things. For others, I
>> use it completely scripted, without any GUI, and called from a completely
>> different environment. This kind of flexibility is a real value for this piece of
>> software.
> AFAIK this is not true: compiling (better: packaging - believe it or not, not
> *anyone* is capable of compiling) without the GUI requires changes in the source code.
> Sorry to insist, I realize my position is not popular among GRASS devs,

It is moreover a question how many work is involved...

> but there is
> a number of situations where having a pure CLI package would bring great advantages.

I compile GRASS myself quite often as CLI package.

> E.g., does anybody want to install libwxgtk2.8-0 on a server, where GRASS can be used
> for WPS?

Likely not, but --without-wxwidgets should help.

> Please, help us poor users: separate the two packages, and we'll all be
> happier. I do not think it's a major work, and packagers can probably
> give a hand.

A concrete work estimate would be desired.


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