Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 27 17:40:07 EST 2010

for the record I regularly build grass 6.5svn on an old debian/etch
machine which has no wx2.8 avail. ie just for the CLI. It copies
python files into a gui/ dir at install but never uses them. C++
wx modules are not build (cleanly). no problems at all... zero.

as per dual packages, I'd say not necessary, extra work for very
little gain. it would just save a megabyte or two on the install.

the gui development is very good at exposing limitations in the
CLI versions of everything, so it's natural that they both grow
together. and it is already very well separated at the code
level. the only thing that aren't are interactive apps which
are not relevant to the CLI-only crowd.



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