[GRASS-dev] html error (access file not found) on compilation of i.landsat.toar in v7

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Thu Oct 14 06:05:10 EDT 2010

Glynn Clements wrote:

> I think that the real-install target in Install.make needs something
> like:
> 	-sed 's#$(GISBASE)#$(INST_DIR)#g' \
> 		$(GISBASE)/demolocation/.grassrc$(GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR)$(GRASS_VERSION_MINOR) \
> 		> $(INST_DIR)/demolocation/.grassrc$(GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR)$(GRASS_VERSION_MINOR)
> Similar to what is already done for etc/fontcap. We should probably be
> doing something similar for Platform.make, although that can be
> overridden on the command line when running make.

FWIW, this should be fixed in r43905. The only remaining references to
the source directory should be GRASS_HOME, config.status, comments in
the ctypes wrappers and debug info in binaries.

Actually, you also need r43906, otherwise the g.mapset documentation
uses <srcdir>/dist.<arch>/demolocation as the default database and

Note to developers: *don't* use context-sensitive values for option
defaults unless you have some plan to ensure that the documentation
generated by --html-description isn't bogus.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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