[GRASS-dev] Re: Error when running a scrip in Windows-WinGRASS

Helena Herrera helenaherrera1980 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 15 05:17:57 EDT 2010

About this issue
I was able to have my scripts working (at least in OSGEO4W installation).
So what have i done:
1- put my script in Scripts folder
2- I took the .py extension from the file
3- in bin directory I created a file with the same name of my script and
added the extension .bat
4- I place the following in this file
@"%GRASS_SH%" -c '"%GISBASE%/scripts/<SCRIPT NAME>" %*'

And it worked. Does this sound OK=?
And by the way:
Will they be working on a WinGRASS binary installation?


On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 12:16 AM, Helena Herrera <
helenaherrera1980 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello
> Helmut I'm not sure if I got it (I think I'm a bit lost on those links).
> Could you better explain what you meant with them?
> About the:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4/mswindows/GRASS-Installer.nsi#L628
> What exacly d you meant with this? Because this is from the installation.
> Does it has something to do with Python support for WinGRASS6.4?
> About these links, I'm not sure what to what you are pointing to... I mean,
> exacly what do you mean? Becase neither of these links are scripts that are
> runned by Users.
> http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4/lib/init/init.bat
> http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4/lib/init/init.bat#L131
> http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4/gui/scripts
> Helmut, I'm so sorry for bothering you and Glynn with this...
> Helena
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