Martin Landa landa.martin at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 09:53:36 EDT 2011

2011/4/8 Sudeep Singh <sudeep495 at gmail.com>:
> I thought that all ideas under WXGUI are a single project.

not at all :-)

> I am more keen on
> "Add WMS and/or TiledMapService and/or WMS-T layer support for wxGUI.
> Tiles/WMS images should not be stored as GRASS rasters but only used for
> displaying purposes (i.e. stored in temp folder). Such tool should provide
> user-friendly setting choices based on service GetCapabilities response"
> I have previously worked with WMS, WFS services in my Bachelor of technology
> project.
> Please let me know, if I understood it correctly.
> 1.Based on getcapabilities functionality we get an xml response, which
> contains the parameters and possible map layers.
> 2.On parsing this xml response we get the paramters and layers possible.
> 3.We use AJAX and other available tools to dynamically display user friendly
> choice settings
> I have some other ideas to share on this, but first if you could please let
> me know, if I get the problem statement right.

I can answer later in the evening, forwarding to grass-dev to get more
people involved in discussion...


Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa

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