[GRASS-dev] GRASS GIS 7 and QGIS connected using the Web Processing Service (WPS)

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Fri Apr 15 06:08:24 EDT 2011

On 15/04/11 10:59, Soeren Gebbert wrote:
> Hello Moritz,
> the problem is the temporal GML file generation in qgswpstools.py.
> This piece python code should solve the problem, which is also
> included in the patch:
> qgswpstools.py at line ~230
>      # Check in case a ".g" was attached to the tempfile
>      if os.path.isfile(tmpFile + ".g") == True:
>        tmpFile = tmpFile + ".g"

Thanks for the patch !

- I set up a simple pywps instance with only two of the example 
processes from the pywps source code: ultimatequestionprocess and 
buffer. Without your patch buffer showed the same error message, but 
with your patch both run, but the buffer process gives completely wrong 
buffers (much too large - maybe it is working in degrees instead of 
meters, even though the QGIS project has units meters and the correct 
projection defined).

- Running the grass processes however gave me the same error message.

This was using grass7 trunk and qgis trunk.

- I've installed the Debian stable 1.4 version of QGIS.

- I set up a simple pywps instance with only two of the example 
processes from the source code: ultimatequestionprocess and buffer. Both 
run, but the buffer process gives completely wrong buffers (much too 
large - maybe it is working in degrees instead of meters, even though 
the QGIS project has units meters and the correct projection defined).

- Trying to run v.perturb or v.buffer without or with your patch applied 
gives me

                 <ows:Exception exceptionCode="NoApplicableCode">
                     <ows:ExceptionText>Failed to execute WPS process 
[v.perturb]: Unsupported MimeType: "text/xml". Unable to create input 
location from input ./pywpsInput0DORwt</ows:ExceptionText>

I'm currently recompiling a fresh a fresh checkout from qgis trunk in 
order to test with that.

I'll keep you posted.


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