[GRASS-dev] Create new branch from trunk for temporal GIS
Soeren Gebbert
soerengebbert at googlemail.com
Mon Aug 22 17:07:25 EDT 2011
thank all of you for your suggestions and support.
The reason why i would like to create a branch is the experimental
character of the implementation.
I have a big picture about what is needed, but no detailed
implementation concept. I would like to experiment
with different implementation approaches. This is IMHO nothing to be
done in trunk, as it might break compilation
or several modules because of library changes ... .
The goal is not to break grass and its functionality, but as i am not
absolutely sure about the implementation, i can not assure this.
Using trunk i must be much more careful and disciplined .... making it
harder to be creative.
> I also agree to not create a new branch but modify trunk directly.
> In our discussions during Soeren's seminar at FEM
> http://gis.cri.fmach.it/news/20/15/Seminar-announcement-S-Gebbert-10-Aug-2011---FEM---Adding-the-time-dimension-to-GRASS-GIS-for-field-based-applications-A-unified-snapshot-approach/
I can send the (modified) presentation slides in a private mail to
anyone who is interested (please contact me). The slides are not yet
ready for publishing.
Best regards
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