[GRASS-dev] ZOO-Project on MacOS X

Michael Barton Michael.Barton at asu.edu
Wed Feb 2 09:51:14 EST 2011


I don't know what the ZOO-Project is, but I regularly compile dev versions of GRASS for Mac OS X 10.6 (AKA Snowleopard). You can find them at <http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton/files/grass_mac/OSX10.6-snowleopard/>

The binaries available right now were compiled a few days ago with William Kyngesburye's frameworks as of December 2010 (i.e., with GDAL 1.7). These do not run on versions of Mac OS X below 10.6. Note that r.proj is not working in GRASS 7 at the moment. 

C. Michael Barton
Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity 
Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Arizona State University

voice: 	480-965-6262 (SHESC), 480-727-9746 (CSDC)
fax:          480-965-7671 (SHESC),  480-727-0709 (CSDC)
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton, http://csdc.asu.edu

On Feb 2, 2011, at 6:38 AM, <grass-dev-request at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

> Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2011 14:30:31 +0100
> From: G?rald Fenoy <gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr>
> Subject: [GRASS-dev] ZOO-Project on MacOS X
> To: zoo-discuss at gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
> Cc: GRASS developers list <grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org>
> Message-ID: <6A26726B-2951-4347-ACC5-819A6F51E11A at geolabs.fr>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Hi GRASS developers list and ZOO-Tribe,
> as you probably noticed since some time ZOO-Project is now working on MacOS X platform [1].
> Furthermore, thanks to the work made by Soeren Gebbert GRASS7 is now well supported.
> A test platform was set up by Soeren and I on the ZOO-Project server [2].
> As now ZOO-Project is supporting GRASS7 Services, I am wondering if there is any way to get
> a GRASS7 installation made on MacOS X. Note that I can provide access to a MacOS X machine
> to run installation on it. This way we should be able to provide users an installer which is able
> to provide many GRASS7 services. I think this can be a real asset for the ZOO-Project.
> Indeed, I take a look at the download page and noticed that binary version were available for linux
> and windows platform but not for MacOS X. I'm also aware about GRASS For MacOS X distribution
> but wondering if this is the right way to go.
> As I'm new to the GRASS developers list, maybe I post in the wrong one, in such case, please let me
> know.
> Hope to hear from you,
> Best regards,
> [1] http://zoo-project.org/trac/wiki/ZooDocumentation/ZOOKernel/MacOSX_installation
> [1] http://zoo-project.org/cgi-grass/zoo_loader.cgi
> Djay
> ZOO-PSC Chair
> gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr

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