[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-SVN] r45267 - grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4/locale/po

Martin Landa landa.martin at gmail.com
Tue Feb 15 11:45:54 EST 2011

2011/2/15 Markus Neteler <neteler at osgeo.org>:
>> 2011/2/1 Martin Landa <landa.martin at gmail.com>:
>>>> char *desc = NULL;
>>>> desc = G_asprintf("break;%s;rmdumpl;%s", _("break..."), _("remove"))
>>>> tool_opt->descriptions = desc;
>>> should G_asprintf(&desc, ...) of course. See r45281 as an example.
>> if no objections I will do similar modifications in other modules (in trunk).
> Is there a chance to not break all translations? (I didn't check in detail)

of course r45281 requires update of translation. I think there is no
chance to break the translations.


Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa

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