[GRASS-dev] r45050: v.info: -r/-m/-t -> shell param; GEM; parser.c

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 16 18:11:58 EST 2011


re. https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/changeset/45050

grass has certain conventions it uses through many modules. having
all modules work the same way (or near to it) makes it much easier
to pick up new modules and have them work as expected, which
makes grass's reputedly harsh learning curve less so. what's the
justification for introducing non-standard behavior into v.info?

(messing up the modules' CLIs to improve GUI cosmetics makes me
rather grumpy..)

also, re. https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/changeset/45039,
is GEM fundamentally broken on WinGrass or is it buggy or just
a personal decision to disable that lesser used feature?

Mostly I just ask please discuss these things with the list
first. Especially for anything that touches parser.c* and the
core Makefile in the release branch during RC.

[*] even though I'm overjoyed to see "--help" finally parsed in
the dev branches

somewhat related, I object to this change:

r44435 releasebranch_6_4/lib/gis/parser.c:
  call G_usage() when level is verbose (merge r44433 from trunk) 

it you got the usage wrong, and you didn't use --quiet, the
obvious thing you'll do next is to look up the correct one...
--verbose to get at it is not obvious, so you waste time finding
the right manual. theoretically the GUIs should never get the
usage wrong as they get it from the --interface-description.

and fwiw this one I think makes things more confusing, as it
implies `dirname` (vs `basename`), when the correct usage is
like [/path/to/]filename.ext.

hoping for improved discussion,


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