[GRASS-dev] r45050: v.info: -r/-m/-t -> shell param; GEM; parser.c

Martin Landa landa.martin at gmail.com
Wed Jan 26 17:02:24 EST 2011


2011/1/18 Hamish <hamish_b at yahoo.com>:


>> > it you got the usage wrong, and you didn't use --quiet, the
>> > obvious thing you'll do next is to look up the correct one...
>> > --verbose to get at it is not obvious, so you waste time
>> > finding the right manual. theoretically the GUIs should
>> > never get the usage wrong as they get it from the
>> --interface-description.
>> OK, you are right that calling G_usage() should not be
>> related the verbosity level.
> I didn't say that. if it is run by default, --quiet should avoid
> it. But the suggestion to use '--help' instead of G_usage()
> is good & covers both of our concerns I think.
>> I was always embarrassed with G_usage().
> I've learned to accept my many typos without embarrassment :-)
> if you type fast enough people don't notice. :-)
> public thinkos are the embarrassing ones..
>> $ r.info input=x --v
>> Sorry, <input> is not a valid parameter
>> ERROR: Required parameter <map> not set:
>>         (Name of raster map)
> [...]
>> You need to scroll up to find out what is wrong. Extremely
>> annoying.

>From my personal experience the current behaviour (printed errors and
then usage) is not useful in the most cases. G_usage() usually didn't
give me relevant information and I always needed to scroll up to catch
up error messages (which parameter is missing, which typos I have
done, etc.). In the best case the error messages should be printed
after calling G_usage(). But it would require to store them in the
array and print them later after G_usage() is called.



Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa

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